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GA 809
Somewhere down the yellow brick road of history, the Jewish people were saddled with a national inferiority complex - from a world that characterized their purpose and contributions in a less than positive light. Rabbi Geller, in his usual witty manner presents an overview with new insights about our past - and a bright future as a 'light unto the nations.'

KE 806 A
Take a journey through time from the Jewish perspective. Vivid, crisp, and always entertaining, Rabbi Ken Spiro delivers a 'Crash Course in Jewish History' - as fresh as current events, and descriptive as eyewitness news. So get ready for a dash through 'Jewish time', and don't worry if you're a little late.

KE 806 EE
The Jews return to Israel to rebuild the 2nd Temple, but fall short of reaching the glory of the 1st Temple. Gone are the constant miracles, the intense spirituality and especially, an ark without the tablets. Not having a king or prophets, Ezra takes charge by convening 'The Men of the Great Assembly,' 120 extraordinary sages who compile the Hebrew Bible and formalize the daily prayers, including the mystical centerpiece of prayer, the 'Shemonah Esrei.'

KE 806 F
While many see the Greeks as a cultured, noble people, some of their practices indicate otherwise. For instance: the Spartan ethic is to toughen up their kids at a tender age; they condoned infanticide and perversion; and Humanism, the adulation of the human mind and body. Hear about the Greek occupation of Israel, the religious persecutions and a civil war. And how rag tag Torah-loyal Jews stood up not only to the Greek war machine, but also against their Hellenized brothers.

KE 806 FF
The Greek rulers demanded the Temple's Hellenized High Priest to sacrifice a pig, which he did. A few defenders of pure Jewish values started an all-out guerrilla war against the entire Greek army. Fought in the foothills between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, the Maccabean revolt produced the miracle of Chanukah - which ushered in the Hasmonean dynasty. None the less, riddled by low morale and religious decay, Jewish independence eventually submitted to the heel of Rome.

KE 806 G
As Jewish uprisings flare up after the Temple's destruction, Bar Kochba (believed by many to be the Messiah) mounts a guerilla warfare against the mighty Roman army, exacting on them major losses. Rome retaliates by turning Jerusalem into a pagan city, renaming Israel 'Palestine,' and mercilessly slaughtering its scholars and sages, including the famous and holy Rebbi Akiva.
The tape of this class contains Jewish History #13 and #14.

KE 806 GG
Herod, engineer par excellent of the 2nd Temple, Masada, Caesarea, plus other architectural wonders, was equally prone to insane jealousy and rage, driving him to murder family members and scores of Jewish scholars. His reign of Israel was marked by economic prosperity, and spiritual discord. Other struggles discussed were between Judaism and paganism, Sadducee and Pharisees, and bloody disputes in the name of Torah.

KE 806 H
This extremely unstable chapter was marked by oppressive taxes, bloody riots and horrid pogroms. Jerusalem, ripped by civil strife, was broken by a brutal Roman occupation that ravaged its cities, burned the Second Temple, and murdered and enslaved hundreds of thousands of Jews. Follow a riveting account of the Temple defenders fighting to the death, and how a small remnant of Torah leaders escaped to ensure Jewish continuity in the diaspora.

KE 806 HH
As Jewish uprisings flare after the Temple’s destruction, Bar Kochba (believed by many to be the Messiah) mounts a guerilla warfare against Rome, exacting on them a huge loss. Rome retaliates by turning Jerusalem into a pagan city, renaming Israel 'Palestine' and mercilessly slaughtering its scholars and sages, among them the famous and holy Rabbi Akiva.

LD 836
Dr. David Luchins takes a closer look at the Jewish sojournings across the continent of Europe. His sharp wit and pithy anecdotes detail their movements from the bloody Crusades to the expulsions they suffered from different countries. He also traces the rise of the Reform Movement and the marks it left on Jewish thought.