Jewish History is unique in that it has existed nearly as long as world history. But is it possible to organize all this information in a way it can be remembered?
All cultures the world over dream of world peace, social welfare, justice for all, public education and strong family values. How far back does this vision of utopia go? Take a dramatic leap through time as Rabbi Spiro visits the civilizations that planted the seeds of modern day democracy. And hear the irony of why all the world's inhabitants aspire to a vision promulgated by the all-time most hated nation.
There are certain values accepted by society today as cornerstones of civility and morality. Where did they come from? Rabbi Spiro proves that these concepts, including peace, social welfare and family infrastructure certainly did not stem from the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome. Could it be the tiny Jewish nation educated the world? And how did we have the knowledge no one else possessed?
Are Jews different? Upon careful analysis of the objective contributions Jews have made to the world, it does seem that they are indeed driven to succeed far and beyond the norm. A fascinating lecture that pinpoints where this ambition stems from on a soul level, and how it must be directed appropriately in order to bring positive results.
Our tumultuous times indicate that we are near the end of history. What specific things are we expected to accomplish in the world, and how well are we doing the job? Rabbi Spiro ties together the roles of Judaism and the goals of the universe by exploring the Torah's outlook on the 'end of days' and the what is to occur at that time.
With broad brushstrokes, Rabbi Ken Spiro sketches the history of the Jews in Poland, a land who's rich Jewish presence is only rivaled by the earlier communities of Babylon and golden Spain. We saw brilliant highlights such as the Volozhin yehivah, and the dark lows of violent pogroms - and ended our turbulent stay with the black finale of the Holocaust. A must listen to gain an understanding of what we've seen, built, and gone through - and who we are today.
The two warring nations of Moab and Midyan seem to have vanished into the dust of the ages. But upon analysis, their ancient attempt to cause us to sin using the forces they each represent, are still surprisingly relevant. Where do we find these two powers as the primary causes for destroying our holy temples, and continue to work against us? And one of them is still internally enmeshed in us, perpetuating the exile it brings until we can break out? A talk for Tisha B'Av from an angle you've never heard before.
Dr. Luchins presents a powerful look at how our national demise was predicted time and time again - with yet another miraculous testimony of Jewish survival. Our capability to hold onto our religious tradition defies all reason. Follow an interesting analysis of Orthodoxy in the modern world and how the State of Israel proves this dynamic to be alive and well.
Dr. David Luchins takes us through the known facts to let us know what may very well be the consequences of the 2015 Iranian Nuclear Deal. He also analyses US/Israel relations in light of Iran's threat to the world. As always, you may not agree with Dr. Luchins, but for sure you will be more informed.
As a nation we win the prize for the amount of tragedy we've seen. But unfortunately, such things usually stems from not appreciating our Jewishness and the values we stands for. Rabbi Tauber shows us the faith and sense of self we can tap into during the difficult times.