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HT 949
God is 'endlessly' sending miraculous messages of His vast goodness to us - which is probably why so many of us have become so numb to them. Does the same reason apply as to why it's so hard to know if our prayers are being answered? Hear valuable advice from a very wise woman on how to keep our prayers fresh, and our eyes open to all the wonders that surround us.

KY 079 H
When faced with difficult and painful circumstances, what can help us accept and learn from them? Hear how King David worked through his own times of physical, psychological, and emotional anguish that began with feelings of frustration and despair, and led to his asking for more life to reach his potential.

KY 907 D
Of course deep down all people want to do good - but would it be so bad if we would just remain passive? This class deals with the benefits of exercising our power to choose good, and the consequences of not doing so. Rabbi Kirzner explains how evil is also an integral part of good - and how we grow from these moments of truth.