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BY 626 B
This concise, thorough guide gives clear cut advice for instilling mitzvah observance into young children. Rav Berkovits tackles many difficult educational issues including fighting, tznius, making brachos, and parental respect. Also discussed is an interesting approach for teaching children about responsibility vis-a-vis: positive and negative mitzvos, rabbinical decrees, and minhagim.
KJ 626 C
Every child has the potential for endless bracha. Our job is to open their channel as wide as possible. Rabbi Krohn shares four important ways parents can help them to become that fitting receptacle. He also explains the three types of children which need an extra special touch. His advice is practical, and his stories, of course, truly inspirational. Hear what it takes to make plenty of room at every table for each of your children.
KJ 956
Rabbi Krohn mixes Midrashim with experience of a lifetime on focusing more sensitivity towards others. With classic stories and humor hear how simple words can reap beautiful results. Also hear precious insights on just how special the parent-child relationship is.
MC 626 A
If we stress to our children the importance of being honest, and then we get a call while we're busy and say "tell them I'm not home," what's the message our kids hear? Rabbi Morgenstern sets guidelines and attitudes on how to build our children in yiras shomayim and mitzvah observance. A fundamental talk.
ON 615 H
Unpleasant confrontations with those you love are usually the most difficult challenges we face. Rabbi Orlowek outlines how to score a success - even if we may need to concede our position a bit. This win-win approach applies also to our interactions with the world at large.
ON 620 B
In this parenting workshop, Rabbi Noach Orlowek outlines the basic ways to improve communication with your children. Hear his three paradigms for love, and how best to apply them. An excellent talk for both parents.
ON 626 K
Keeping in mind the goal of raising our children to function independently and in positive ways, Rabbi Noach Orlowek offers a list of priorities such as: lowering their pressure-cooker for perfection; helping them appreciate themselves; making the home a warm, enjoyable place to be, and others. A worthwhile hour.
ON 681 D
If you find it difficult to come up with an innovative lesson plan, this tape is for you. Knowing key concepts of what motivates a student, the source of low self-esteem, and which techniques work best at different grades will spur you to design classes that invite everyone's participation.
ON 952 D
Trees were planted because someone chose to invest in the future. Righteous people perform good deeds in a similar fashion. By understanding how a tree constantly adapts itself to withstand all climate and environmental changes, we can learn a few life lessons for growing and flourishing in every season of our lives.
ZY 334
What are the main differences between a mother and a father’s effect on their progeny? Rabbi Zweig delves into the life and background of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chananya, who had the supreme capacity to understand human nature. Hear how he explains a mother's unique opportunity to develop a child’s ability to connect with people around him.