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Title Match: pesach
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BY 521 B
This two-part talk by Rav Yitzchak Berkovits reviews the halachos of checking and cleaning for chametz. Itemized instructions take you step-by-step through the intricacies of preparing your home for Pesach, along with its underlying rationale. Kashering a kitchen is also included. 

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BY 521 C
This 2-part talk by Rav Yitzchak Berkovits reviews the halachas of checking and cleaning for chametz. Itemized instructions take you step-by-step through the intricacies of preparing your home for Pesach along with the underlying rationale. Kashering a kitchen is also included.
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OH 520 A
Shiur One discusses the Minhagim of Chodesh Nissan, plus the reasons for the Mitzvos of Bedika and Bitul Chometz.
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ON 615 DD
There are four major chagim - which correspond on a deep level to the four major senses that govern our lives. Pesach, our journey from Egypt and the climax of song at the splitting of the sea all point toward dominance of the tongue. How does our unique relationship as the children of God merge with our power of speech to reveal what our task is during this special time?
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RS 015 A

What's a great way to remember how many plagues are discussed in this week's portion? Rabbi Rosenblum takes the typical manner of thought and turns it on his head as he analyzes the order of exile and bringing the Korban Pesach. He also gives a novel explanation of how Hashem hardened Pharoah's heart that points to the tremendous impact attitude has on our lives.

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RS 015 B

What lesson about hishtadlus did the Jews teach us by requesting clothing and money from their Egyptian captors? Why do we have so many commandments connected to Korban Pesach to show us how kingly we are? Wouldn't one be enough to bring the lesson home?

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RS 036 B

The mishkan below didn't quite stand on it's own - it was a mirror of the fiery one on high. What does this tell us about its everlasting nature? What caused Eldad and Medad to prophesy that Moshe would die in the desert, and Yehoshua would take over? And why was Pesach Sheni mentioned through a group of righteous but unnamed people?

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TE 533

Rabbi Tauber describes Pesach and Tisha B'Av - two diametrically opposite events that occured at our meeting place with Hashem. Which single aspect of Hashem's relationship can we reach for Hashem - whether it's the highs, or the ravages of pain and suffering we sometimes deserve? A beautiful class of inspiration and encouragement.

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WG 014 C
A person's body, spirit, intellect and emotions are four components that express the diverse drives within each of us. There also happens to be a number of themes in the Hagaddah also grouped by fours - like the four questions, the four cups of wine, the four sons, etc. These groupings parallel the intrinsic conflicts within us that continuously search for resolution and harmony. Rabbi Wagensberg tracks these themes and concludes this talk with how they will suddenly fuse together to bring about our final geula (redemption).
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WG 583

In this lecture, Rabbi Wagensberg expains the striking difference between the nations of the world and the Jewish people, and the expectations of each. See how this beautiful tapestry prepares us for the mitzvah of birchas ha-chama, Blessing the Sun, which occurs once every 28 years, this year on erev Pesach. This talk also explains Kiddush levana.

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