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JO 520 H
Seder night is the climax of emunah, and the moment to capture a new infusion of faith to carry you through until next Pesach. Mrs. Juravel portrays the heaviness of slavery and the redeeming exuberance of freedom. A memorable class giving you plenty of courage and strength to model this same message for your children.

MC 525
Seder Night was designed to be exciting, especially for the children. Join Rabbi Morgenstern as his message steps into your kosher home sharing ways the Haggadah presents and implants our mesorah into the thirsty minds of your most valuable possession.

NY 520 B
Cleaning for Pesach can be so overwhelming. So take a break to rejuvenate your soul with a beautiful class from Rebbitzen Neustadt as she looks at the core idea of emunah in its journey to it’s zenith on Seder night. Hear where Pharaoh is alive and kicking within our lives, and the path for reaching the gates of freedom.

NY 626 AQ
The power of Pharoah was the capacity to believe in absolutely nothing of truth. Despite the fact that the events of our slavery in Mitzrayim happened so long ago, this false worldview still clings to us. Rebbitzen Neudstat details some of our thought processes that reflect a lack of faith in Hashem. What can help us let go of our egos, and how is the work of preparing for Pesach an

ON 527
Pesach, followed by Counting the Omer leads us forward to accepting the Torah on Shavuos. Rabbi Orlowek explains the ascending journey towards building the complete individual. Also hear why we celebrate Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai's day of death so joyously.

TE 520 A
The Jewish nation is certainly not just a group that shares a culture and cuisine. We exist with a separate agenda and limitations that differ from all other nations. Rabbi Tauber elaborates on how Pesach can break through your inner limitations, limitations we faced in Mitzrayim which squashed even the yearning for freedom.

WG 015 B
Who doesn’t like lamb chops, and doesn't the Pesach Seder cuisine sure sound appetizing? Upon a superficial query, some of the mitzvos sound pretty enjoyable. But how can we know if we’re doing them for our own pleasure, or for God’s sake? Follow Rabbi Wagensberg's three general rules to help you steer yourself in the right direction.

WG 520 D
Passover is a wonderful time for family and friends to be together. If you're wondering why this night is different than other Pesach nights, hear Rabbi Wagensberg pack fun and informative ideas throughout the proscribed stages of seder night.

WN 520 A
What is freedom? Rav Naoh challenges the usual definitions by forcing us to consider the following: can you picture yourself enslaved on all sides by a hostile world? Now, can you picture yourself breaking free of those shackles - to live in ways you've dreamed about, but never thought possible?

WN 520 C
Pesach is the time of our quintessential experience of freedom. Indeed, we proclaim at the Seder that we are still slaves, and we hope to be freed by next year. Do we really know what we’re talking about as we lift the matzah? Rav Noah exhorts us to think about what we’re doing as we’re doing it, and gives a powerful message to take into your Pesach Seder.