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Title Match: rosh hashana
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BC 541 A
What are we bringing with us as we stand before God’s scrutiny on the Day of Judgement? Rabbi Brevda delineates the thoughts, words, and deeds of man, and how a Jew would appear if he only showed up with two of the three. Man was created at the end point of the world's creation. On Rosh Hashanah God looks to see if we've come any closer to the goal He first set for us.
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HT 541 B
What does judgment mean on Rosh Hashanah, and how does Hashem bring it about? To understand the three books people are inscribed in, Rebbetzin Heller explains how to write yourself into the righteous book. Hear how prayer works, and how to utilize it. What should we be aiming for, and how are all our needs for the coming year symbolized in the rituals of these two days?
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KI 541 B

The sacrifice of Isaac is a very perplexing episode. Why did God ask Abraham to offer his son, and why didn't Abraham even attempt to plead for mercy? And why did Isaac, a 37 year-old man allow himself to be bound on the altar? Also, if this is one of Abraham's 10 tests why is it called 'The Sacrifice of Isaac'? The answers are extremely pivotal on how we are to approach Rosh Hashanah.

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KV 540 A


In days gone by people shook in fear as they entered Elul, because in truth, does anyone know what’s in store for us during the coming year? Rebbetzin Kalmanovits explains the mercy that underlies judgment, and the overflowing love pouring upon us during this period. Hear a golden opportunity for introspection before you reach the last hectic week of preparations for the Yom Tov.


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KY 541 C
The classic image of scales that spring to mind is the wretched punishment of Divine judgment. Yet at the same time Rosh Hashanah is known as the time when our Nation's splendor is to be extolled. Rabbi Kirzner discusses our unique relationship with God, and the potential for accepting His judgement with an increased desire to do His will with a full heart.
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MN 541 A
How do we understand that by saying certain specific verses Hashem will give us a year of blessing? Rebbetzin Karlinsky examines the tefillos that we say and the underlying concepts hidden within. Learn the power of the Akeidah that was implanted within us, and what areas we’re being judged for during the first day, and during the second day of Rosh Hashana.
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NY 541 A
Rebbetzin Neustadt describes Mother Rivka's strongest midah - Giving. Despite societies prevalent attitude, the most important cause to work on is giving to ourselves. Once we can do this, we'll find ourselves capable of greater outpouring toward others. Elul is the training ground of Hashem's love and chesed. Hear how to reciprocate.
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ON 541 J
How possible is it to be joyful while being scrutinized? Follow a fascinating class by Rabbi Orlowek as he shows why physical pain is good for a person, and why opting for no-pain makes no sense at all. Applying this truth to spiritual goals will help us appreciate how sweet and good the face judgement is on Yom HaDin.
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ON 544 E
Moments of Divine Judgement are fearsome and make us wonder what the coming year has in store for us. Is it possible that during those moments we can be full of joy? Rabbi Orlowek clearly describes how closeness to God is all that counts, and how it can draw your desire for judgment in a ways that open new possibilities.
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SM 541

Blowing the Shofar during Elul should stir our need for Teshuva. But the truth is, Yom Hadin just doesn't seem so frightening any more. What can help wake us up from our deadened state of performing mitzvos from rote? Rav Stern gives a surprising answer, with practical advice from the Steipler Rav on the Teshuva we hope to arouse.

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