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Title Match: shavuot
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SM 529 A
When does a person truly connect to Torah study? Rav Moshe Aharon shares powerful stories of great leaders who no matter what did not allow themselves to be torn away. Does this imply that such greatness in Torah is reserved for those born to it, or nursed with it during childhood? An encouraging and inspirational message.
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WG 529
Our three patriarchs forged an everlasting foundation for the Jewish nation. Rabbi Wagensberg examines how, unlike Noach's generation we have an extra capacity to follow the Torah. A fascinating class that examines our gift of Torah and the truth it embodies.
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WN 527 C
We count the Omer by ticking off each day that we enter to keep track of how close to Shavuos we are. Rav Noah maps out the idea of doing cheshbon hanefesh (taking a personal account) of who we are, what we’ve done, and specifically what state we'd like to be in on Shavuos night to accept more Torah influence into our lives.
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WN S 016

What is the anticipation of counting from 1 to 49 - the goal of getting closer and closer to Shavuos? Perhaps it was our marriage on becoming civilized at Sinai? Maybe it was the gift of life? Rav Noach shows us the ultimate goal we all strive for.

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WO 529 A
What are people to do who know how paramount Torah learning is but find themselves unable to realistically find time for it? Rabbi Weisz explains the point from where the universe was created, and how one can remold their physical reality into the spiritual goals they're hoping for.
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