How does one know if a ‘friend’ has done Teshuva? One element of true repentance is to see a person stumbling over and over in a certain way, and now acts differently when faced with the same test. Rabbi Kahn shares a fascinating viewpoint on the end of days, and how the times we live in are a final test to see how we’ve progressed.
Fossils, dinosaurs and the neanderthal man conjure up images which challenge the authenticity of our Torah. In one of the most amazing lectures Rabbi Wagensberg has ever given, we will soon discover that we were not the first ones to walk the Earth.
Do you have any idea just how powerful your actions are? In this eye-opening lecture Rabbi Wagensberg will show how everything we do, say and think makes such an impact on our lives, on the lives of our family, affecting the entire generation, until the end of time.
There is an enormous amount of symbolism built into the sacrifice of Yitzchak on Mount Moriah. Follow Rabbi Wagensberg's esoteric thread of Israel's future from the eyes of the patriarchs, and the spiritual and physical struggles that lie ahead. He describes two hidden options within the storyline that may help to unravel the mess of exile and physicality that we are so caught up with today.
G-d only asks of us to implement two things, would you like to know what they are? This much I can reveal to you, it's the secret as to how to live life to its fullest, so plug right in and enjoy as you listen to Rabbi Wagensberg boil it down to just two letters, which is going to make the most powerful difference in your life.
What was it about our matriarch Sarah that gave her descendant Esther the capacity to take on a royal position and save her people? Rabbi Wagensberg delves into the strength of the four great women who founded our nation, and how their effect is felt even further than the patriarchs. Learn how they give us the strength to go on and accomplish even when we feel we’re too far gone to reach great heights.
Our beliefs shape our lifestyles. The directions we propel ourselves in, depend upon what we believe in. Would you like to know which beliefs we should commit ourselves to? Would you like to find out which place is the most conducive for believing? Then Rabbi Wagensberg is your man as he shares with us the different dimensions of faith.
The portrait of Yaakov is the good boy, and Esav is his rowdy brother. In analyzing this parsha we see that each was assigned a specific task for perfecting the world. Hear how Yaakov adjusted to Esavs' relinquishing his vital role, and how he took on the battle of good and evil in the world as a second full time job.
Ever wonder why Torah study is considered the basis for all of Judaism? Climb the ladder Yaakov saw in his dream to uncover esoteric hints of all the three Avos and their life's mission. Find out how Yaakov's hold on Torah not only protected him from all harm, but became the foundation of all else afterward.
Yaakov’s desire to pray to Hashem was forced to be at night due to the sudden sunset that occurred unnaturally early. Follow Rabbi Wagensberg’s colorful trail as he sorts through the messages our patriarch gave us with this third prayer of the day, and gain strength from the belief that no matter how dark things get, sunshine will always follow.