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HT 811

More than just the first female, Eve, a.k.a Chava, is in fact the ideal role model for all women. Join Rebbetzin Heller as she delves into the text to discover Chava's essential function and her unique qualities. Hear fascinating insights on the male/female dynamic, the woman's domestic inclination, and coping with the unavoidable process of aging.

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HT 812 A

Venture into a rarely discussed chapter of Torah to meet those influential personalities who set into play many societal norms we live by today. Hear penetrating insights on issues that continue plaguing us, such as the connection between a violent society and the exploitation of women, and how the life-choices made today will affect future generations. Rebbetzin Heller also probes other important concerns that society endlessly grapples with.

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HT 815

It was the perfect shidduch ... or was it? "But Yitz, don't you know who Rivka's father was, and, do you know what kind of a brother she has! And what about her shadchan's own shady past?" Rivka's climb to self-perfection tested every single one of her positive - and negative traits - which underneath it all seem to have a striking resemblance to our very own trials and tribulations. Rebbetzin Heller also spices up this talk with a humorous guide for finding 'the right one' in today's shidduch scene.

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KI 037 A

It is terribly difficult to understand the sin of the spies that gave over a negative report about the Land of Israel. Could it be possible these great people were motivated by their own honor? Rabbi Kahn gives a deeper understanding of why the heads of ten of the tribes wanted to stay in the desert, and proves his point by analyzing the silence of Joshua as the other ten slandered the land. 

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KI 050 B

Bikurim was the process of thanking G-d for the produce He blessed us with after laboring in the fields. Rabbi Kahn focuses on the interesting prayer that relates back to Yacov's experience with his father-in-law Lavan recited at the Temple as part of this commandment. Listen to a different take on Yacov's struggle to avoid being sucked into a culture foreign to his spirituality, and shows how the fear of deteriorating values has everything to do with the establishment of Bikurim.

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KI 050 C
The commandment to bring the first fruits to the Temple is juxtaposed strangely with the concept of prayer three times a day. Rabbi Kahn proves that the inability to appreciate will distance himself from G-d, and draws the connection between that state and the eventual destruction of the Temple. How did the establishment of prayer hold the key to rebuilding that relationship?
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KY 45 A

Moses prayed with all the power of his enormous heart to be able to enter the land of Israel – yet his request was still denied. Was G-d making light the power of prayer? And was this the reward for faithfully leading the Jewish nation for forty years in the desert? This discussion on prayer addresses: the need to give up all aspects of our lives to G-d, our need to pray from the intellect as well as the heart, and a new perspective on what we gain when we’re able to sincerely speak to G-d.

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WN 004

How do we react when we witness an accident, or see people we know distantly in need? All to often we fall into the rubbernecking syndrome – we stop, stare, and then go merrily on our way. We need to push ourselves to help, and of course, to pray. After all, everyone is a human being, just like us. Avraham teaches an age-old lesson about caring for others in his example of praying for Sodom that we would do well to learn from.

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WN 009 A


We know that Reuven attempted to save Yosef from death at the hands of his brothers. So why if he tried to save him was he included in the punishment they all received for selling him? A powerful class on how responsibility sharpens your moral sensitivity, and the need to completely finish every mitzvah you do.


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WN 011 C

Yosef's brothers were speechless and mortified when he revealed himself to them. How could they have missed so many telling signs? Rav Noah makes a powerful point on just how easily we constantly deceive ourselves by ignoring messages sent to us in so many obvious ways.

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