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Title Match: yom kippur
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AG 715

In this masterful overview of the Jewish Calendar year, Rabbi Goldhar defines how 'Jewish time' really works by giving us a visual picture of how the 12 Jewish Holidays fit together as a unified, cyclical process of personal growth through the four seasons of the year.

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BY 540 A

After 40 years of miracles the Jews knew without a doubt who ran the world. But Moshe told them just as they were about to enter the Land of Israel that they were blind, deaf, and without understanding. Rav Berkovits explains that it is easy to see, hear, and understand God while He is spoonfeeding us miracles, but the real challenge is to see God in our day-to-day lives, which is the central focus of preparation for Rosh Hashanah.

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BY 544 B

Teshuva during the day of Yom Kippur creates a special magic that is not available any other time. Rav Berkovits explains how to prepare for this once-a-year opportunity that sheds a lot of light on your current situation.

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KI 029 A
One of the most dramatic parts of the Yom Kippur Temple service was the lottery of two goats. One for the sacrifice and one to throw off the cliff. Bizarre? In this lecture, Rabbi Kahn unravels the mystical underpinnings of this mysterious ritual and shows that it directly affects your life.
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KI 032 A

Whenever we count days or years are we only interested in the final tally? The system we use indicates the type of culmination we're measuring. Rabbi Ari Kahn looks at the metaphysical significance of the Jubilee 50th year and how it influences the counting of the Omer and Yom Kippur. Hear some surprising spiritual secrets that indicate ways the universe operates.

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LZ 540 C

 It’s that time of year again when we take stock not only of the year that passed, but of life itself. Rabbi Zev Leff examines what LIFE consists of on its varied levels, and the significance of every action we perform.




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ON 541 B


Contrary to the universal myth about money, there is something even greater that 'makes the world go round' - which is 'the fire of desire.' Pure ratzon is the crux of free choice and the driving force behind success. Rabbi Orlowek plots the course people should be aiming for the coming year. He examines the key points of the Rosh Hashana tefillah.


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PS 540 A
On approaching Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, how can we convince Hashem that we’re really deserving of His continued investment in us? Rabbi Pincus pinpoints the places in the machzor that were designed to help us recreate ourselves anew. Hear a key on reaching up to Hashem with sincerity and passion.
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WG 001 B

Are you suffering from after-the-holidays blues? Stepping into Parshas Breishis after Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Succos, Hoshanah Raba, Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah can be anticlimactic, especially when all we have to look forward to is a long, dark and cold winter. If you would like the greatest reasons to rejoice with song and dance, precisely at this time of year, just tune in and listen to this class in which Rabbi Wagensberg shows us that the source of our comfort is right under our noses.

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WO 545

The structure of the 13 midos of Rachamim is truly a wonder. However, it is not a carte blanch system of unconditional mercy that side steps judgement. It is more along the lines of an emergency application for times when the world should have been destroyed. Rabbi Noson Weisz explores the Derech Hashem's perception of how this system works.

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