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CA 020 B
The highest crown of all is Torah. Have you ever considered that your deeper values express the incredible Jew hidden within? And hear how 'Zachor' shows why Purim is superior, even to Yom Kippur.

HT 544 B
Yom Kippur is awesome, but also long and confusing. Rebbetzin Heller reviews the purpose of each prayer one at a time. Hear a concise, meaningful explanation of what to expect during each segment of the day, which parts you should be careful not to miss, and when are the best times to catch a break. After this talk any fear of getting lost in shul on Yom Kippur will be a thing of the past.

KL 544 B
Even with a tiny bit of complete teshuva, God will deem that you have succeeded on Yom Kippur. So how come we find ourselves working on similar resolutions year after year? Perhaps you really didn't do teshuva! Real, permanent change is easier than you think. A must listen.

KY 544 J
Returning to G-d as a result of suffering He has handed down is not a very high level of repentance. After all, it seems to be just a method of avoiding pain as opposed to sincerely recognizing the fallacy of our actions. Why then is that the climactic level we will reach before the Messiah? Rabbi Kirzner's explanation of the clarity of our love of G-d at Sinai, and the promise we begged Him to make to assure we would never leave Him completely helps give a fresh view of the teshuvah we may have felt was second tier at best.

ON 544 F
Any upward momentum we've gained from Rosh Hashanah is a treasure too valuable to waste. Join Rabbi Orlowek to understand the link between the labor expended and the reward Hashem has in store. Learn the specific work of teshuvah, tefillah & tzedaka that will be needed and how to apply them.

WG 022 E
Some people live from one Yom Kippur to the other. Although, this approach has merit, click here to find out why it would be preferred to live from Purim to Purim. Once again, Rabbi Wagensberg shares with us an upbeat/positive approach, which will motivate us from now on to do it the Adar way.

WG 540 A
Yomim Noraim: A Heal in Olam Habah
Torah study connects all Yiddisheit to all souls. Learn what true return to God consists of and how each person exists eternally as a letter in the Sefer Torah. But do we also count, being commonly known as the 'Heal Generation'? This class spans Yom Kippur to Sukkos and the parsha of Bereishis - to convey a powerful lesson on the worth of every soul and the intrinsic strength of the Holy Torah.

WG 544 B
Yom Kippur, fish, and the purity of mikvah. Rabbi Wagensberg takes a side path that touches on many interesting points, and brings them together for a powerful lesson on submerging wholeheartedly into the service of Hashem. Feeling this for a brief time during Yom Kippur will bring kapparah and a taste of the avodah we all strive for.

WN 544 G
Why do Jews the world over have such a strong recognition of Yom Kippur? Does the soul deep within fear some coming to the end of something - and that God's wake up call, however painful, is really worth it? Or do we actually need a tragic shake-up call to initiate change? Perhaps we already have what it takes to move in that direction before Yom Kippur!

WO 544 D
Teshuva is the work of the heart, and difficult work at that. Are we supposed to view ourselves as steeped in negativity, or should we anticipate being designated as tzaddikim in the end? Rabbi Weisz examines faulty mindsets that get in the way of feeling true regret.