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HT 544
Teshuva is the process of unraveling baked-in mistakes. Rebbetzin Heller helps us break through negative patterns that prevent us from shedding excess baggage, and how to best maneuver past obstacles that hinder us from successfully transforming our lives.
HT 544 C
How do our deeds define us? A person's soul is endlessly luminous. But as we grow, we wrap curtains of deeds around ourselves that mute or totally dim the power of our glow. And of course, the more a sin becomes engrained, the harder it becomes to uproot. Burnish your soul's dullness back to its original luster by understanding the seder of the Yom Kippur Service.
KL 544 A
Ever wonder what’s behind the mitzvah of having a festive meal before Yom Kippur? Why are we being told to focus our attention on the physical just before entering the holiest spiritual day of the year? Rabbi Kelemen fills us in with what’s really being served at this meal before we enter this holy day.
KY 544 B
All commandments are attached to different parts of the body, and have an affect when we transgress. But repentance needs to be far more than solely returning in action - we need to purify our mind and heart to the point we think teshuvah and desire it. Rabbi Kirzner explains how doing so will bring a sense of purity to our soul, and give us the ability to actualize our craving for repentance.
KY 544 E
A question we may be too ashamed to ask is 'how can I all of a sudden just flip on the desire to 'change my ways' as easily as snapping my fingers'? Rabbi Kirzner shows us how to ask for such changing power. He explains the three basic levels of repentance, and how to lighten our heavy burden by using a Divine shortcut.
KY 544 F
After all the talk about change, and the sincere desire we may feel to make a shift toward the positive in our lives, we can feel stymied when it comes to acting on it. Rabbi Kirzner's explanation of real repentance helps us understand the process - and even more powerful is the toolbox of methods he gives of how to practically leave the negative habits behind for good.
KY 544 I
In the spiritual framework of reward and punishment, one must take their good intention and actualize them before they are credited. Why then is sincere repentance accepted even without being put to the test we have failed previously, and succeeding? This aspect of G-d's benevolence toward us is merited because of our ability to openly confess our sins - and Rabbi Kirzner's profound explanation of why is transformational.
KY 546 B
After Yom Kippur we hopefully feel happy and relieved the day is over, and that we've been forgiven by sensing a new feeling of confidence to believe in ourselves again. The holiday of Sukkot is to bring us into a closer intimacy with God.
WN 543
The Ten Days of Teshuvah, which culminate on Yom Kippur, is the time to speed up the job of clearing the decks, So don't let the past weigh you down says Rabbi Weinberg. But how? If we have many mistakes to regret, won't we just give up? Hear the seven preparatory steps for a good head start to bring about lasting changes.
WN 544 B
What is the unrelenting attraction of Yom Kippur that draws hordes of unaffiliated Jews into shuls to fast and pray? It's the power of change. Learn a effective way to examine yourself and pinpoint which areas are most worthwhile for you to work on.