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KI 015 A

Why were the last three Egyptian plagues split from the first seven? Rabbi Kahn explores Pharoah's role in the crescendo of God's revelation, how he lost his relevance by that stage and the deeper implications of those final punishments. Hear how these plagues put all the puzzle pieces into place for the emergence of our nationhood - and for our future.

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KI 015 B
Wouldn't you think Pharaoh would be the central focus in each of the plagues? In this week's portion he becomes totally irrelevant. Much bigger things were at stake as each new plague hits. Rabbi Kahn describes each plague and the message we extract from it.
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KY 015 A

What were the inner workings behind the plagues that destroyed Egypt bit by bit? Rabbi Kirzner pulls the disparate themes of the importance of receiving, why people move away from the ability to change, and the essence of spiritual revelation to reveal a new picture of the last three plagues that caused Egypt to fall.

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MI 015
In a rare moment of open Divine intervention, God tells Moses that he hardened Pharaoh's heart. On one hand Rabbi Milstein lauds the incomparable gift of free will, but he also questions whether this empowering strength might feel so heavy at times that we'd rather just shirk the responsibility. Hear a talk of immense personal importance.
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WG 015
The nation of Israel is built on different lines than all others. Rabbi Wagensberg reveals the luminous beauty of two creations åÐ the moon, and the rainbow, and shows how they hold the secret of the Jewish view of life and the universe.
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WG 015 B
Who doesn’t like lamb chops, and doesn't the Pesach Seder cuisine sure sound appetizing? Upon a superficial query, some of the mitzvos sound pretty enjoyable. But how can we know if we’re doing them for our own pleasure, or for God’s sake? Follow Rabbi Wagensberg's three general rules to help you steer yourself in the right direction.
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WG 015 F
We all know that prayer can be one of the most effective tools in obtaining what it is that we need. However, there are different forms of prayer. In this lecture Rabbi Wagensberg focuses on one specific method of prayer which is certain to achieve results in all areas of life and especially when it comes to leading a life of holiness.
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WG 015 G
Have you ever felt that all your energy has been spent? That you've reached the end of the line with no more strength to continue? If your answer was yes, you'll want to listen to this talk in which Rabbi Wagensberg comforts us with the knowledge that in reality, we have the stuff that it takes to start over again (and again, and again and again, if necessary).
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WG 015 H

Based on technological, scientific research we now know that the solar system is by far much more complex than meets the eye.  What escapes high-tech instrumentation  however, is a whole other dimension, which is amazingly interconnected.  In this lecture, Rabbi Wagensberg will send us into orbit, as we climb aboard the Kabbalistic Rocket, which will take us to places,and seek out realms which few men have boldly gone before.

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WN 015 B
This week's Torah portion describes the last of the 10 plagues: Death to all firstborns in Egypt. Rav Noah describes the harshness of the decree, and the price every Jewish firstborn had to pay to be excluded from it. Hear the vital lesson this plague teaches us, and the choice we all have to escape it.
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