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CA 033 A
The number 33 is rarely found in the Torah - but it does correspond to the 33rd day of the Omer and to the 33 curses listed in this week's portion. Where did the students of Rebbi Akiva veer off course to deserve death? Rabbi Carmell examines the inherent danger in having and misusing strong character traits.
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GA 033

Rabbi Avi Geller's series on the entire five books of Judaism is delivered with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each weekly talk is a whirlwind tour of all the events of that week's Torah portion, plus major commentaries and explanations of fundamental concepts of Judaism.

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KI 033 A
This class opens up with an exciting story about the accidental incarceration of a 17th century kabbalistic prodigy and how the spiritual forces ensured his release. Rabbi Kahn proceeds to discuss how people can forget things that are very important. This class can help those who are trying to retain their studies.
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KY 033 A
The portion of punishments that is read in this week's Torah portion reads like a nightmare. What happned to turn our loving G-d into a brutally punitive Diving being? Rabbi Kirzner's insightful understanding of Diving communication, and the care which accompanies the sometimes painful exchange goes a long way in helping us make peace with the negativity which crops up in our lives.
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LA 033 A
One sharp question asked in this parsha is why are the 'brachos' and 'curses' itemized two times in the Torah? An interesting class from an interesting teacher on the power of Torah learning, on why Olam Haba is not mentioned in the Torah, and on a level of perfection that is rarely achieved.
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LA 033 B
We are promised great things for learning Torah and keeping mitzvos. Rabbi Lopiansky looks closer at the blessings and curses in this weeks parsha to show the multiple bounty's earned by truly serving Hashem. He ties this talk into the blessings we make on fruit of the trees.
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RS 033 A
Following Hashem's statutes is referring to learning Torah with all the strength one possesses. But what if it feels like banging your head against a wall? Hear great chizuk about learning that promises reward for the energy expended instead of the goals achieved, and the reassurance that eventually you will reach great heights just by virtue of trying.
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RS 033 B

Someone who studies Torah without toiling in it does not gain the true benefits of learning. How does this explain some people's disillusionment after their contact with Torah? And why are we given material blessing for doing spiritual work?

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WG 033
Ever take a walk at night and suddenly catch your breath on seeing how massive the star studded sky above is? Indeed, it makes sense that nature is one of two paths to know that God truly exists. But hear the drawback of using nature for reaching this connection that the other path, Divine service, will bring you to. Feel how such a relationship is compared to that of a child and a father.
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WG 033 D
If you usually skip over parsha talks, give a listen to Rabbi Wagensberg! His dynamic style gives an exciting twist to each week's parsha, often coming from a new vantage point.
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