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- Torah audio free listening
- Judaism mp3s

As we stood before Moses at Mount Sinai it was fully understood that as a nation we would rise or fall together. Rabbi Milstein reviews those times the Jewish nation was unified and the success they reaped. Reestablishing the glory of our unity and the communal bonds we long for is within reach - even after so many hard years.

How does this portion show that every Jew, no matter how ordinary has a valuable job to accomplish within the framework of the Jewish nation? And how do we se that each individual has the ability to become a leader? Along with a discussion of the Torah's accessibility.

This parsha is always read the Shabbos before Rosh Hashanah, and the portion is full of hints to those awesome days. What lessons can we find to help us prepare for the New Year? And how do we see that the days from the 15th of Av until Hoshana Rabah are especially set aside for repentance?

If you usually skip over parsha talks, give a listen to Rabbi Wagensberg! His dynamic style gives an exciting twist to each week's parsha, often coming from a new vantage point.

If you usually skip over parsha talks, give a listen to Rabbi Wagensberg! His dynamic style gives an exciting twist to each week's parsha, often coming from a new vantage point.

If you usually skip over parsha talks, give a listen to Rabbi Wagensberg! His dynamic style gives an exciting twist to each week's parsha, often coming from a new vantage point.

It is true that we have dropped to the lowest of places, not only on the macro-level, referring to the generation, but also on the micro-level, referring to the year. In this uplifting talk, Rabbi Wagensberg shows us how from the lowest of circumstances and times we have got such an opportunity to imbue them with purity and holiness, bringing ourselves back to the original lofty level that existed at the beginning of the process. Coming Full Circle is a beautiful and empowering way to end off the year with.