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Title Match: Kirzner, Rabbi Yitzchak ztl
Kirzner, Rabbi Yitzchak ztl on  aishAudio
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KY 256 BB

G-d’s communication with our physical world is not something overt. This allows us the capacity to choose between good and evil without feeling forced toward one side over the other. So is this world completely divorced from G-d? If we are willing to look for it, we can find His imprint clearly enough to reconstruct a Divine message. A n excellent understanding that helps with our feelings of frustration that arises at times when we wish G-d would communicate more clearly.

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Intro/Adv 2 Cart Unit 
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KY 256 BC

In this fascinating class, Rabbi Kirzner explores the two processes the world takes in trying to reach the goal G-d has set for it. Hear an analysis of how G-d responds when the universe seems to be veering too far off course, and how everything that takes place on Earth will be used to lead us to Moshiach.

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KY 256 BE
We need to realize that within all of our understanding and learning about the systems G-d put into place, we can fall into the trap of thinking that things must be that way because of their rationality. Discussed is the ultimate reason that stems from the will of G-d, and how G-d’s conduct is moment to moment, regardless of what we think.
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KY 256 BF

The misconception of secular society that Judaism does not believe in the afterlife is a terrible misrepresentation of our beliefs. Rabbi Kirzner explains why the belief in the next world and eventual resurrection is a foundation of our faith. Since the body and soul are matched when they are sent to this world, they must both experience the reward for the hard work they did. An excellent class on how we view our bodies negatively, and why that understanding is wrong.

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KY 256 BG

The physical body seems to be a great drain, which only serves to pull our spiritual dimension downwards. What is the body in and of itself, when fully split off from our soul? Is it all coarse and gross, or does it have a higher quality? A beautiful look at the complex relationship between two seeming opposites that governs our lives.

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KY 256 BH

While some people place more significance on emotions and others on the logical faculties, Rabbi Kirzner shows that both are essential for forming a lasting bond with G-d. This deep class continues on to explain why the soul’s ability to elevate the body is proof that G-d is indeed one, and created all aspects of our disparate world.

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KY 256 BI
Death is a necessary cog in the life-cycle of every human being. Rabbi Kizner takes us back to the Garden of Eden to explain the defect Adams sin brought to his physical body, and to the whole world. Hear in detail how death and deterioration are a person's only chance for getting resurrected.
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KY 256 BJ

This esoteric class shows how our ability to see the good in the tragic blow death deals to mankind will lead us to see love others as ourselves. Are we honestly expected to treat others as well as we do ourselves? Perhaps not - and Rabbi Kizner proves that this emotional inability is directly connected to our inability to see the bad G-d deals us as good in reality, the tie between the two.

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KY 256 BK

It seems that the soul was dealt with unfairly. Is its job simply to elevate the physical body? What does it gain by doing so? Rabbi Kirzner explains the elevated level the soul inhabits before entering the world, and then shows the level of growth it gains by inhabiting a physical vehicle and performing Torah and mitzvos.  

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KY 256 BL

After giving an understanding of the journey of body and soul, the Ramchal analyzes the roots of these two distinctly different beings. Upon observation we find more clarity and focus in the spiritual realm, and a lack of this in the physical. These concepts relate to the essence of light and darkness. If a person reaches for spirituality, he is making a statement that he wants to experience the G-d in a more revealed way.

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