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Title Match: Mansour, Mrs. Bonnie
Mansour, Mrs. Bonnie on  aishAudio
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MX 630 S
Keeping God's presence closer is generally more instinctive for a woman than a man. Bonnie Mansour shows how and why surrounding yourself with like-minded people will transform you into becoming a ‘virtuous person’ - rather than a person who does virtuous deeds from time to time.
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MX 630 T
In the culmination of this series, Mrs. Mansour inspires us with an explanation to each verse of this literary masterpiece. A Woman of Valor is striving to be a better wife and mother who is constantly redefining her relationship with God. Such a woman becomes, through her own efforts, a pillar of light from whom all seek advice and choose to emulate.
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MX 639 C
Hagar was an Egyptian princess who chose to give up her royal status for the privilege of living in Avraham's home. Yet immediately after she become pregnant as a second wife, she began looking down at Sarah as being spiritually undeserving. Hear the interesting relationship they had, and the valuable lessons on marriage, on the importance of attitude, and on female intuition.
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MX 639 F
Yaakov's first kiss to Rachel shook the universe as much as Rachel's choice to sacrifice Yaakov to save her sister from mortal humiliation. Join Mrs. Mansour as she fills in the details of how this matriarch loved all people as herself, and the unifying energy that such self-work affords.
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MX 639 G
Leah’s role as Yaakov's 'unloved' wife seems to be a sorry tale. Rachel was constantly center stage as Yaakov’s beloved - which continued the same way even after she died. When we can grasp the immense gratitude Leah had for all the good in her life, we will begin to appreciate the full majesty of this backstage matriarch.
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MX 639 H


Dinah's choice to wander away from the camp to see the action in Shechem is viewed rather negatively. What does this tragic tale tell us? After all, women today are out and about just as much as men. A fascinating class on making sure that all our interactions in the workplace have borders governed by halacha.


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MX 639 I
The miracles of Chanukah convey the spiritual values of life. But one fact that very few know about is how two women fomented the revolt against Greek rule and Greek physicality. One was the fearless Yehudit who single-handedly killed a Greek general, and the second is the tragic saga of Chana, a mother who taught her seven sons the core belief about God in a very powerful way.
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MX 639 J
What lessons did we learn from Dinah's being violated in Shechem concerning proper conduct in the market place? Join Mrs. Mansour for an analysis of this tragic story, along with tips, guidelines and protection for women in the workplace. Also hear the complex advance that Tamar made towards Yaakov, and how her pure intent brought her merit in helping to raise the House of David.
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MX 639 K
The heroic midwives who refused to kill baby boys at birth despite Pharoah’s command were immortalized by the Torah. How did Shifrah and Puah, aka Yocheved and Miriam, exhibit their astute appreciation for raising children? Hear the simple measuring stick for greatness, and how to clothe fear of God in modest ways.
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MX 639 L

How is it possible a daughter of Pharoah will rescue a crying Jewish child? Bonnie Mansour examines the sterling character of Batya, an Egyptian princess. Learn about kindness and in what forms it should fit into our spectrum of responses. This class also includes a wide-ranging discussion on the concept of 'Egyptian milk' and in what ways it exists world.

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