Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, founder and director of The Jerusalem Kollel (www.thejerusalemkollel.com), is a widely respected authority on Halachah and well known for his telephone tapes on Shmiras Halashon. He is well known as a teacher and lecturer throughout Jerusalem and was ordained at the Mirrer Yeshiva, Jerusalem.
After 40 years of miracles the Jews knew without a doubt who ran the world. But Moshe told them just as they were about to enter the Land of Israel that they were blind, deaf, and without understanding. Rav Berkovits explains that it is easy to see, hear, and understand God while He is spoonfeeding us miracles, but the real challenge is to see God in our day-to-day lives, which is the central focus of preparation for Rosh Hashanah.
The month of Elul is the most natural period for introspection. However, this time around, no more rehashing what we tried changing last year and the year before. Rav Berkovits focuses on the topic of 'wishful thinking patterns' that trigger our inner motivational ability.
The month preceding the High Holy Days is the month of Elul, the most auspicious time for introspection and change. Rav Berkovits takes a closer look at our underlying 'wishful thinking patterns' that many use as their source of motivation - yet from past experience were not strong enough to generate enough steam to make lasting changes.
The special energy imbedded within the month of Elul is meant to be a launching pad for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Hear an in-depth step by step approach on taking stock of the year behind us, and on jump-starting the teshuva process to create a new page for the year to come.
The special energy that ushers in the Jewish month of Elul is the optimum time of year to take stock of how you can improve yourself for the upcoming year. Rav Yitzchak Berkovits gives a step by step process for serious people who want to jump-start their teshuvah at the beginning of the term, so to speak.
Oftentimes our plans for greatness seem to boomerang. What is G-d telling us when our growth seems to backfire? Rav Berkovits teaches us how to deal with the mundane, as well as giving straightforward guidance on how to chart a map for acheiving a turnaround in areas we often stumble in.
What does it mean that G-d remembers human actions? Rabbi Berkovits looks at what humans effect with what they do. Life is not about action, it’s about doing your best. Think that’s too pat? Look at Avraham’s quest for truth, overcoming the societal pressure for success that was obscuring it. We must use our intellect and our judgment to bring us to make the correct decisions.
There's a special energy in the Jewish month of Elul which we can tap into to improve ourselves and start the year anew. Hear this intensive series by Rav Berkovits that will jump-start your teshuvah and help you to get on the right track!
There's a special energy in the Jewish month of Elul which we can tap into to improve ourselves and start the year anew. Hear this intensive series by Rav Berkovits that will jump-start your teshuvah and help you to get on the right track!
There's a special energy in the Jewish month of Elul which we can tap into to improve ourselves and start the year anew. Hear this intensive series by Rav Berkovits that will jump-start your teshuvah and help you to get on the right track!