Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, founder and director of The Jerusalem Kollel (www.thejerusalemkollel.com), is a widely respected authority on Halachah and well known for his telephone tapes on Shmiras Halashon. He is well known as a teacher and lecturer throughout Jerusalem and was ordained at the Mirrer Yeshiva, Jerusalem.
There's a special energy in the Jewish month of Elul which we can tap into to improve ourselves and start the year anew. Hear this intensive series by Rav Berkovits that will jump-start your teshuvah and help you to get on the right track!
There's a special energy in the Jewish month of Elul which we can tap into to improve ourselves and start the year anew. Hear this intensive series by Rav Berkovits that will jump-start your teshuvah and help you to get on the right track!
There's a special energy in the Jewish month of Elul which we can tap into to improve ourselves and start the year anew. Hear this intensive series by Rav Berkovits that will jump-start your teshuvah and help you to get on the right track!
Many people overlook the fact that teshuva is more than just correcting your past mistakes by saying ‘sorry.’ True teshuva implies changing who you are, and becoming who you want to be. Rav Berkovits, also an expert life coach, guides you through the tefillos (prayer) and avoda (service) of Rosh Hashanah. An experience you can take along to shul.
Is Rosh Hashanah just a pleasant holiday for getting together and reminiscing over good times - or is there more substance to it that can make a big difference in the quality of your life? Hear how and why the formulating of attainable goals beforehand can make this coming year your best yet.
As Rosh Hashanah approaches, two choices needing to be made are the kind of person you want to be, whether passive or active, and whether you want to make Hashem your king or not. Rav Berkovits describes a human beings natural state of laziness and the tendency to accept things the way they are. Hear how to override lethargy and crown Hashem as your forgiving loving King.
At the moment that I make a mistake, what chance is there to really comprehend its import or consequences? Another obstacle, especially for feeling regret, is how strongly do I believe that the proscribed process of repentance can somehow turn back the clock to obliterate the deed? This important talk goes to the core of Rosh Hashana, and indeed opens a door to believe how possible it is to change your essence and your behavior.
What part does viduy play within the Yom Kippur prayers? How much do we need to confess to fulfill the mitzvah - perhaps one word is enough. In explaining the text, Rabbi Berkovits brings viduy down to earth.
Just as prayer elevates us to connect with G-d, Slichos draws G-d down to us. Rav Berkovits explains these late night supplications in shul as a poetic expression of yearning and desperation and takes us through selected paragraphs in depth. This class will change your perspective and kavana (intention) on the powers and necessity of Sleichos forever.
During the ten days of repentance there is a special mitzvah of tefillah - talking to Hashem whenever you can, about anything you need. This is coupled with teshuvah, changing out direction in life, and leaving the wrong we have done behind. But how can we change ourselves down to the depths of our gut instincts, and natural sense of enjoyment?