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Carmell, Rabbi Aryeh
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CA 001
G-d created light and darkness as one entity, but He subsequently separated them - which mirrors the human state when we were first created. Although we may be loathe to admit it, we recognize the inherent contradictions and rationalizations that vie for space in our minds, along with the good and evil within our heart. The Jewish concept of light and darkness can help us better understand our inner confusion, and the wisdom given in order to deal with it.

CA 005 A
Avraham and Sarah are both described in the Torah as living full lives - from their early years till a ripe old age. Hear what the secret of youthful thinking and constant awareness are all about.

CA 006 A
As women will testify, pregnancy is no picnic - but Rivkah's term was a super trial where each twin tried to break out when she passed houses of worship of their respective interests. Doesn't it appear from the narrative that their natures' were predestined? But in light of our having free will, how can this be? And how did Yaacov complete the process of building upon his father's character, while Esav swerved to the other extreme?

CA 007 A
Lavan - a saint or a villain? In most instances he seems to be the money hungry swindler, but some of his actions make us wonder if we are not being shown his positive side. In what ways can we get a peek at his true motivations? Rabbi Carmell explains the rule of judging everything according to the majority, which applies to Lavan, as well as his righteous daughter Rachel.

CA 008 A
Yaakov became a very wealthy man, but was he too overprotective of his possessions by going out alone at night to retrieve some small vessels he left behind? Hear Yaakov's understanding of how each gift that G-d endowed him is intended for a specific purpose, along with a fascinating discussion on the power a person's birthplace has on him.

CA 009 A
The brothers were men of such piety and integrity that they even 'convinced' G-d to go along with their plan to sell Yosef. And yet we are told that it wasn't the correct action to take. How can we understand the brothers' underlying motivation of hatred that even they were in the dark about?

CA 010 A
Pharoah's dream of the skinny cows swallowing the fat cows reads far deeper than it's storybook narrative. Rabbi Carmell peels away a few layers to reveal truths about how good can never die. Hear how the holy spark within each Jew can never be extinguished, and how it connects to the one flask of pure oil that was found on Chanukah.

CA 011 A
The fast day of the 10th of Tevet is to remind us of an historic siege around Jerusalem. But shouldn't that event pale in significance to when Jerusalem and the Holy Temple were totally destroyed? Rabbi Carmell helps us understand the full impact of small beginnings, and how we can acquire a sense for events in our lives that could start a giant chain of cause and effects - for our good or bad.

CA 011 B
What's the difference in seizing a moment and maximizing it, or to work for it in a systematic way later on? Follow Rabbi Carmell's analysis of one's desire for growth, and the need to have goals on hand to always move towards, regardless how far you may be from accomplishing it. Using those precious 'moments' in life may bring you to new opening in your life.

CA 012 A
Menashe served as a diplomat in the Egyptian government, while his younger brother Ephraim studied Torah all day. Wouldn't Menashe's management skills have been more valuable for leading a tribe? To understand why Ephraim and his descendants were chosen hear the hidden link between great deeds and great Torah learning,