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Carmell, Rabbi Aryeh
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CA 808
How can we understand our imploring G-d to consider the merits of our forefathers when we know that we are accountable for all we̢ve done? Listen to a fascinating class on how certain spiritual How can we understand imploring God to take into account the merits of our forefathers when we know we are personally accountable for all that we do? Listen to a fascinating class on how certain spiritual capacities have been embedded in our genes that swim against the stream to hold onto the truth. have been embedded in our genes, giving us the capacity to swim against the stream of the world at large to follow truth.

CA 921 A
What value does 'imagination' have from the Torah perspective? Take a second look says Rabbi Carmell. If we understand that Judaism is indeed eminently practical, what part does mental imagery play as a function of the human mind? Find out how this faculty can create unexpected opportunities during the course of your life.

CA 937
How in the world can teshuva remove a negative act that has already been done? Rabbi Carmell also questions if we can start by serving Hashem from less than ideal motivations until we reach doing it from pure intent. A fascinating and practical class on dealing with our physical limitations while still aiming towards higher goals.

CA 956 A
Man is essentially a born taker who is expected to become a giver as he grows and matures. Yet after we examine people, we see that everyone has their moments of taking. So is it ever possible to become a complete giver? Follow Rabbi Carmell on the subtleties of giving even when taking, and the powerful impact pure giving has on others.

CA 956 C
Many think that imagination is relegated to fairy tales and late-night musings. Does this faculty also have a spiritual application in the human psyche? Rabbi Carmell explains how pivotal this tool is for seeing the needs and feelings of others - and how that perception can even become real enough to change the way we relate to them.

CA 956 D
Many think that imagination is relegated to fairy tales and late-night musings. Does this faculty also have a spiritual application in the human psyche? Rabbi Carmell explains how pivotal this tool is for seeing the needs and feelings of others - and how that perception can even become real enough to change the way we relate to them.

CA 956 E
The very origin of our thoughts are skewed with subjectivity. So are we expected to reflect on a truth that is so evasive - even in the best of circumstances? Rabbi Carmell spotlights the Torah's ability to move us towards impartial analysis. Hear how performing both negative and positive commandments can also help us escape the confusing maze of subjectivity.

CA 956 F
Mitzvot give structure to your life, and the Torah provides the understanding. Join Rabbi Carmell as he examines how the mitzvot guide us to live as healthy individuals - within society. Torah and mitzvot encourage us to nourish this eternal spark of truth that resides within.

CA 956 G
We are told that learning Torah and keeping its guidelines will lead us to a vibrant and just society. Rabbi Carmell explains in sociological terms how God views the core of a person's personality, and where each person stands in their community and in the world.

CA 956 K
Our calendar follows the moon, but it carefully keeps pace with the suns cycle. What influence does this waxing and waning luminous moon have, with two independent starting points of the Jewish year? Join Rabbi Carmell analysis of the moon's renewal process, and the fulfillment we earn by putting in the effort.