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Glaser, Rabbi Yom Tov
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GT 614
Have you ever sensed an underlying lack of self-esteem at the moments you try to recall someone's name? Rabbi Glaser draws a surprising connection on how your comfort level with other people reflects how accepting you are with yourself. Hear a refreshing, imaginative approach to see yourself, and how to connect with others from a different angle.

GT 789 B
"We were perched on the edge. Do we paddle like crazy for shore, or paddle head-on into this monster wave before it crashes down on us?" When you are confronted by a decision between your logic and what the Torah says - which way do you turn? Hear this Rabbi's scary adventure of how he put his 'critical ear' on pause to hear contrary information in a different light - without sacrificing his good sense of judgment.

GT 789 C
Most people do believe life has meaning - but how true is the meaning they give their thoughts? Rabbi Glaser walks us through a crystal clear example of how our subjective thoughts match up to the objective standard of Torah. From this, hear an eye opening reason why there is so much disunity in families and between people in general.

GT 810 A
In this introduction to mystical symbolism, hear God's desire in creating the universe. At first God formed the world with love and chesed (kindness), but since chesed without firm boundaries usually leads to corruption, He created gevurah (boundaries) to temper the chesed. Rabbi Glaser explains the dynamics that flower into accomplishment and growth.

GT 810 B
We are living in an ever shrinking world filled with terrorism, fear and war. What happened to the abundant flow of blessing and light that God constantly pours into this world? Hear what it takes to align yourself to become a more fitting conduit to channel GodÂ’s refined goodness. An interesting delivery.

GT 810 C
What happened moments before the world's 'creation' that moved it from a conceptual reality into a physical reality? Rabbi Glaser takes us through the three steps of creation - first the idea, then the how to, and finally the act itself to its completion.

GT 810 C
What events happened moments before the world was created that changed the universe from a conceptual reality to a physical reality? Rabbi Glaser describes first the idea, then the how, and finally the act itself - until completion.

GT 811 B
Adam’s failure to show active regret for his actions forced us all to look much closer at how we respond to our own acts of wrongdoing. Rabbi Glaser explains the difference between repentance that springs from love to repentance that is generated from fear, and the active regret needed for moving beyond them.

GT 903
Most people assume freewill is about the decisions we make voluntarily during the course of a day, but in most cases don’t our past decisions dictate the course we take - without a blink? This talk explores reincarnation, the concept of mikvah, and the remarkable gift of free choice. An informative introductory talk.

GT 904
Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser shares a number of spiritual realities including the concealment of God, the world of souls and wonders of the afterlife. His delivery is as interesting as his material.