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Glaser, Rabbi Yom Tov
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GT 810 C
What events happened moments before the world was created that changed the universe from a conceptual reality to a physical reality? Rabbi Glaser describes first the idea, then the how, and finally the act itself - until completion.

GT 811 B
Adam’s failure to show active regret for his actions forced us all to look much closer at how we respond to our own acts of wrongdoing. Rabbi Glaser explains the difference between repentance that springs from love to repentance that is generated from fear, and the active regret needed for moving beyond them.

GT 903
Most people assume freewill is about the decisions we make voluntarily during the course of a day, but in most cases don’t our past decisions dictate the course we take - without a blink? This talk explores reincarnation, the concept of mikvah, and the remarkable gift of free choice. An informative introductory talk.

GT 904
Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser shares a number of spiritual realities including the concealment of God, the world of souls and wonders of the afterlife. His delivery is as interesting as his material.

GT 907
The new age thinking is that only a meditative ascetic can reach the pinnacle of spirituality. Hear Judaism's take on connecting Eastern religion’s cyclical view of life to the process of history as we know it. Hear how important living within the mundane world is for building self-understanding, and feeling the essence of God's beauty and design.

GT 907 B
Rabbi Glaser divides the universe into three groups - atheists/agnostics, polytheists, and monotheists. The 3rd category is much narrower than most people think. This premise of a unique God goes beyond the simple picture it presents, and reveals how Judaism can awaken every aspect of your life to resonate in a spiritual way.

GT 920
Your soul makes you distinctly unique from a rock, plant or animal - and from each other. Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser explores several mystical distinctions in this captivating discussion-based session. Hear other soul related issues including; how the Jewish soul came to be; its special qualities; and what amazing opportunities are made available for your soul to discover.

GT 926
By listening closely to our inner conflicting voices - where one side yearns for spirituality, and the other demands physicality – we can learn how to choose the good side, and tell the other to pipe down. Rabbi Glaser is a most interesting speaker with a fresh approach for dealing with the core struggle that all human beings wrestle with.

GT 942 C
Are the sections of prayer independent or is there a cumulative progression leading to the Silent Prayer? Rabbi Glaser follows the course of prayer kabbalistically, explaining what each section symbolizes, and how blessings are brought down into your world.

GT 952
Are there things you've always dreamed of doing but never quite got around to them? Rabbi Glaser explains the 'inner loop' of thoughts and emotional patterns that prevent us from moving them forward. Discover how to override this inner block for rekindling all the dreams that were slowly fading away.