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Title Match: Kirzner, Rabbi Yitzchak ztl
Kirzner, Rabbi Yitzchak ztl on  aishAudio
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KY 626 A
A punishment is usually considered the fair retribution for a wrong doing. However, God's response of natural consequences and justice includes more - a fitting message that corrects the totality of the individual - including why their deed prevents them from reaching their full potential. From this model, hear how to be 'just' to your children without sacrificing your deeper feelings of love for them, or your belief in their will to become all they can.
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KY 626 B
Having good middos goes a lot further than learning proper etiquette and behavior. Our understanding of being made in the image of God stems from Har Sinai itself. The question is how we can best develop each child's unique traits? Being an example is the simple answer, but hearing Rabbi Kirzner delve into this is deeper than we're used to.
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KY 657
Abraham set down the foundation of the Jewish people through his son Yitzchak and his grandson Yaakov. This threesome planted deep roots ensuring the tree's eternal spiritual growth. Rabbi Kirzner questions the outcome of those left outside this lineage by examining the Jewish soul, who we are as a people, and the ramifications of intermarriage.
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KY 788

The process of repentance seems to take place only within the ratified spheres of the heart and soul. A basic question is why do jews include the physical sphere as a third essential part of the process? Hear Rabbi Kirzner's compelling reason why 'tears' and physical needs are necessary for teshuva in order to fully embrace the spiritual light that flickers within.

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KY 814
Avraham, who found God within a totally pagan society, stands out as the archetype of the honest man. What prerequisites does Avraham teach us for perceiving with an open mind, and tenacity to maintain full cognitive objectivity?
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KY 820
Moses towered above the nation he lead physically - and spiritually as well. What are the inner workings of prophecy, and how is it possible for a mere human being to reach that peak? And what made Moses so great in that aspect that he could converse with God in a way no one ever did before or will do again?
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KY 837
Rav Yisrael Salanter had a keen perception into the human condition - and three of his greatest students perpetuated that message in what is know as the 'Mussar Movement.' Rabbi Kirzner describes how unique and vital this approach is. Hear also the startling similarities between Chassidus and Mussar, and when and why they took different paths to reach their goals.
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KY 880
If we view exile as a simple removal from our homeland and subjugation under foreign rule we would be hard pressed to find its solution. Each of the four exiles that overtook us were rooted in attacking different essential aspects of Jewish existence. What is the force of the exile we are mired in today, and why is having our own state not the ultimate answer?
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KY 900 D

Two core beliefs of Judaism which point directly to God are: His being infallible, and how all people have free will.  Rabbi Kirzner examines how two such contraditory concepts can coexist.  These definitions can add a new dimension to your understanding of God  Hear points that also add depth on the soul and afterlife.

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KY 903
Striving for one big goal after another that comes to naught can feel as though life is laughing at us - to a point of wondering if we have free will at all. On the other hand the entire system of reward and punishment points clearly to our power to make meaningful choices in life. A well consturcted class on where our free will ends, and where God’s will begins.
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