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Title Match: Leff, Rabbi Zev
Leff, Rabbi Zev on  aishAudio
Rabbi Zev Leff is Rav of Moshav Matisyahu, and a renowned lecturer and educator. He is the author of Shiurei Bina - Outlooks & Insights on the Weekly Torah Portion, and most recently, Shemoneh Esrei: The Depth and Beauty of Our Daily Tefillah, published by Targum Press. Visit his website online at
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LZ 630 C
Why did God reveal the Torah to the Jewish women before the Jewish men - especially considering that it was designed to be studied primarily by men? To answer this question, Rabbi Leff explains the essential roles God intended for men and women. When these roles are fastidiously fulfilled, they complement each other to create the true Jewish home, allowing God's presence to join them.
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LZ 635
Contrary to popular belief, tznius is not intended to separate us from the physical world in order to gain access to the spiritual realm - it is to protect that which is intrinsically precious to your soul. Rabbi Leff uses a brilliant comparison between the Mishkan and talmidei chachamim to explain the balance and interaction between the body and soul. This talk is considered a classic exposition on the topic.
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LZ 660 A
Rabbi Leff's class on earning a living shows us how to perceive normal life situations in ways that clearly point to Hashem's helping hand pushing us to turn to Him. Hear how even a small attitude shift can be so life changing as to help you earn things you would otherwise have never dreamed possible.
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LZ 660 B

Since Hashem can give us whatever He wants, why does He make our earning a living so difficult? If working is to help us reach the goal of being fully alive, how is the lesson learned from our need to make ends meet, and the emotional challenge of having more reliance on the tests and dispensations that He's constantly sending our way?

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LZ 660 C
Does wealth preclude a life of spirituality? Rabbi Leff looks at a person's relationship to worldly possessions, and the proper purpose they're meant to play in your life. And what drive's people to envy other peoples possessions? What is the secret to live on a limited budget in satisfaction and happiness, and how can we teach our families to accept a lower standard of living - while retaining respectability and integrity?
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LZ 678 A
This lecture, given for parents of special children, gently explains how to see the guiding hand of Hashem in times of trauma, adversity, and sorrow. Rabbi Leff shares a number of difficult times, and how a solution was found to help the parents better cope with the new reality.
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LZ 678 B
Rabbi Leff devotes this 'how-to primer' to parents of special-needs children. One unforeseen challenge that parents face is how to educate and inspire their other children to the sudden change of roles. Hear helpful language to allay many concerns a sibling may feel such as; explaining the extra parental care needed for special children; enlisting siblings to pitch in; explaining why Hashem created this family situation; and finally, dealing with the inevitable social reactions outsiders are likely to present.
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LZ 678 C
Rabbi Leff explains simply and carefully to an audience of children (and their parents) why Hashem created the body, the soul, life after life, and why everyone is truly unique. With clear parables Rabbi Leff inspires children to be proud of themselves, and to recognize their ability to conquer their own problems.
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LZ 678 D
Couldn't G-d have created a problem-free world? Rabbi Leff sympathetically offers a reasonable approach to cope with many of the hardships we face. He explains the distinct mechanics of Jewish challenges and how to steer them into opportunities for growth.
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LZ 690

"Loving Another as Yourself" cuts far deeper than just being nicer to another person. Rabbi Leff expounds on how just starting to think in ways of encouraging Jewish education can change your attitude and focus. If this thought seems overwhelming, just consider how even a tiny action, or a change in your persona has the ability to affect others in a very meaningful way.

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