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Title Match: Leff, Rabbi Zev
Leff, Rabbi Zev on  aishAudio
Rabbi Zev Leff is Rav of Moshav Matisyahu, and a renowned lecturer and educator. He is the author of Shiurei Bina - Outlooks & Insights on the Weekly Torah Portion, and most recently, Shemoneh Esrei: The Depth and Beauty of Our Daily Tefillah, published by Targum Press. Visit his website online at
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LZ 783
Mitzvot are bite size signposts that direct us towards God, and through their careful performance actually bring us into a closer proximity to His presences. Rabbi Leff opens a crack in the door to understand this very misunderstood subject.
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LZ 784 A
All our different prayers fall into two areas. One is by manipulating nature and the spiritual forces that govern it, and the other is our inner sincere plea to God desiring to change. Hear a clear explanation why the gate of tears remain unlocked, and how this beautifully describes our task on Rosh Hashanah for reconnecting to our heart.
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LZ 784 B
Rabbi Leff takes a look at the spiritual workings of prayer. He reveals its underlying power and potential to connect us to the transcendental. He reviews a number of key halachos, and ends the session with a discussion on the underlying power of praying with a minyan.
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LZ 784 C
Rabbi Leff explains another secret of tefillah. Prayer is not only our connection to God and an important way to upgrade our own inner connection, but he takes it a step further by showing how tefillah opens a third channel for developing deeper connections with those we share our lives with.
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LZ 787
The perpetual philosophical question raised by Jewish thinkers is: Which is better, this world or the world to come? On one side, the Creator states in the Torah that after the seven days of creation the world is 'very good'. On the other hand King Solomon derides this world as 'Vanity of Vanities.' Understanding how this debate plays out, plus how a number of other allegories & parables shed light on this topic will help us see beyond the transient nature of this world.
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LZ 800 A
Was the Creation narrative a necessity to be included in the Torah? Rabbi Leff, a versatile Torah scholar and lecturer gives an overview on the theories that we so willingly accepted in school and shows how these non-scientific ideas were cloaked with greater authority than they deserve. Hear a mature rendition and understanding of the Creation story.
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LZ 800 B
Our forefathers are more than ancestors that can be traced back historically. Certain of their traits were embedded in each of us for reaching spiritual excellence. Hear the inner reserved strength at your disposal to reach levels you'd never dream possible.
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LZ 814 A
When Avraham was commanded to make a bris milah at the age of 99, he asked a few close friends what they felt about it. Rabbi Leff examines the key elements of a midrash that tells what distorts a person's judgement. Hear the reasons why advice is so necessary - even when decisions appear so clear cut.
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LZ 816 B
Ever been confronted by a mighty angel unbeknownst to you? We know the all night wrestling match between Yaakov and Esav's angel, but how often could this be helpful for our lives? Hear how to spot this challenge from a few different angles, and with a way to gauge how well we did. These critical moments are springboards for insightful understanding and growth.
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LZ 828
For a Torah-sourced analysis of baseless hatred, Rabbi Leff carefully qualifies the animosity we can show for those who are distancing God’s values, and the times we're permitted to vent our anger and loathing toward anyone not quite like us. Be prepared to hear what true love and true hatred are essentially all about.
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