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Levy, Rabbi Chaim
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LH 504 C
An assortment of helpful tips are shared in this talk - plus an interesting discussion on sleep.. On the more esoteric side, are you aware that there are spiritual seasons, and spiritual patterns? This class concludes with expressing gratitude for receiving the Torah, and the power of "100 blessings" per day.

LH 504 D
The Ben Ish Hai has a most eloquent way to explain the prayers of Pesukei Dizimrah. In this segment hear the depth of a few inspiring verses we usually overlook during our morning prayers. Rabbi Levy has a famous 'Israeli cab story' that will stay with you always.

LH 504 E
The menorah in the temple had many hidden secrets that were connected to the upper spheres, let's hear how through our prayer we can tap into those forces. In an encyclopedic like fashion we study other sources that the Ben Ish Hai talks about this most special prayer. In this section we have a "guest appearance" from the Babba Sali and a miraculous story. In summation we receive a tool that helps us elevate our actions to the highest level possible.

LH 504 F
The People of the Greater Assembly ordained Baruch She'amar through a note that fell from the heavens with this prayer on it, quoting from a different source of the Ben Ish Hai we shed some light on this most wondrous occurrence. In addition we hear one of the most commonly asked questions "What do I answer if I hear the congregation recited kaddish while I am in the midst of Baruch Sheamar".

LH 504 G
There are certain Halachot that we encounter everyday that we promise ourselves to clarify but never get to it! Well this segment deals with some of them - "What can I answer if I am praying and hear kadish, kedushah or the like? How long do I have to pray Pesukei D'Zimrah?" In this packed shiur we continue on our quest of perfecting our prayer experience. We veer away from the Ben Ish Chai for a moment and fill in with some laws that complete our knowledge of Pesukei D'Zimrah and its ramifications in Halacha.

LH 504 H
Women don't feel left out, in this segment we delve into the obligations of prayer that you have and how it applies to you daily. We also take some time to probe into some of the hidden secrets found in pesukei D'Zimrah. Did you ever wonder why Sephardim always spread open their palms while reciting the Ashrei - are we waiting to catch something from the heavens? The truth is - YES; hear all this and more in this grand finally of Pesukei D'Zimrah

LH 511 A
Rabbi Levy opens the topic on how to light the Friday candles by sharing with us the Ben Ish Chai's understanding of this holy mitzvah. He compares the power that a candle has to express its own light, to the inner light we awaken when we guard the Shabbat. In this segment we also learn how candle lighting ties into Adam and Chava, and the lesson it holds for peace between a husband and wife.

LH 511 B
Am I to light two, four, or seven candles before Shabbat? Where do all these different Minhagim come from? According to Minhag Bnei Sepharad, where is the best location to light candles considering the place the menorah was lit in the Bet Hamikdash? Our talented guide Rabbi Levy doesn't leave you in the dark about any of these questions.

LH 511 C
All men have a few burning questions here. Why do women have a monopoly on this mitzvah, and is there a small portion of this mitzvah that also applies to them? How and where should a husband light when he stays in a hotel on a business trip? We also learn where and when to light on college campuses and in dorm rooms. Hear how various halachic authorities trace the Sephardic Minhagim back to the Shulchan Aruch.

LH 511 D
Making a Beracha on the candles is an integral part of this mitzvah. It has practical ramifications on when a person is bound to accept Shabbat, and when they must cease from performing melachot. With encyclopedic breadth Rabbi Levy uses the Ben Ish Chai as a springboard for understanding the significance of when to make the Beracha using the different opinions of contemporary poskim.