Rebbetzin Neustadt describes Mother Rivka's strongest midah - Giving. Despite societies prevalent attitude, the most important cause to work on is giving to ourselves. Once we can do this, we'll find ourselves capable of greater outpouring toward others. Elul is the training ground of Hashem's love and chesed. Hear how to reciprocate.
Your ability to rise above what is considered normal by people around you is tied up with how honest your connection to Hashem is. This stronger relationship stems from the level of honesty you are able achieve when you look at yourself, and spills into your dealings with others. By achieving a higher level you will then be known as one of those closest to God.
Just as a lightbulb connected to electricity emits light, so also, when we resonate to our natural inner state, happiness will just bubble over. Rebbetzin Neustadt's beautiful and heartwarming talk inspires us with tools to open this natural connection. Take a break - learn how you can be happier here and now. Also hear a few amusing tales that tap into the sweeter side of life.
Cultivating the middah of gratitude for when we receive good from another or thing is a sign indicating nobility of character. As a thankful nation, we have also earned the right to lead mankind to burst forth into song each day. Rebbetzin Neustadt's journeys into the sensitive world of appreciation for upgrading our awareness of all Hashem does for us.
It's not easy to care about others without a secure grip on your identity. Rebbetzin Neustadt offers a bite size exercise for deepening your self worth. By appreciating, and responding to the good Hashem gives you, you will sense the warmth from those who feel your growing ability to care.
What is in the power of words that can rock both the physical and spiritual worlds? Hear how dibur can generate true good, or cause painful confusion and conflict within you, your family and the extended world. Rebbetzin Neustadt's sweet charm and empathy helps deepen our understanding of this potent force.
Words reflect a person's world view. How you express what you see and believe comes out in the speech you use. Mrs. Neustadt, in discussing the reasons for the Churban Bayit Sheni shows how this stemmed from one root cause - the insidious urge to speak negatively on another. If you are interested in living with a more benign and loving feeling towards others, this speaker is the way to go.
Is it fair that at one of life's greatest moments when a mother gives birth that she should feel sick, tired, and weak? Pregnancy and childbirth, as exciting as they are, are fraught with both physical pain and emotional swings. Hear how the outgrowth of Chava's curse when properly understood will bring three levels of spiritual light flooding into the world at the birth of each new life.
Pregnancy can be a very peaceful time when one is deeply in touch with their nurturing selves. It can also be fraught with worry between balancing ultrasounds, doctor visits, and fears for the unborn child's health - and the need to have bitachon. Rebbetzin Nuestadt's gentle, calming words give a holistic view of pregnancy and birth, and how being positive in mind, emotions, and body will help move us towards a warm and beautiful birth experience.
In her first beautiful class on Shalom Bayis, Rebbetzin Neustadt describes what it means that our spouse is 'bashert.' Is it possible to marry the wrong person, and if so, how do we view divorce? A powerful discussion on male / female roles, and our need to realize that our husbands are truly one with us.