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Neustadt, Rebbetzin Yitty on |

In this Shalom Bayis class given before Rosh Hashana, Rebbetzin Neustadt explores the concept of how marriage and our relationship to Hashem are intertwined. Taking us back to the women in the desert who donated their mirrors for the Mishkan, she draws a parallel to the selfless acts in marriage and child raising we do that indeed can give something to Hashem. A beautiful class.

Why does Chazal suggest the ideal age for marriage as being 18? Rebbetzin Neustadt gives a fascinating exposition on the various ages and stages that bring an infant through childhood to adulthood, explaining what each milestone accomplishes in the maturity of the child. Once we reach the age of developing ourselves fully enough to give, we are ready to form the bond of marriage. But how do we learn to give when in modern society, most people get married emotionally depleted?

Giving is one of the biggest building blocks of a marriage. How do we feel we are sincerely giving when we are busy with cooking and cleaning and changing children? Rebbetzin Neustadt discusses what being oriented toward others is all about, and the mental energy we must use to focus that makes all the difference when doing so. Let̢s use the power of our minds to get what we need, and to reach out to others.

In building our homes, the physical side of life is also quite important. Rebbetzin Neustadt fields questions on how far we should take eating healthy, and if being extreme is what Hashem wants. She then goes on to examine the mesirus nefesh of the Jewish women in Egypt, and shares the incredible story of her grandmother who did all she could to love and protect life under the most horrific circumstances.

Having finished discussing taking care of ourselves physically, Rebbetzin Neustadt touches on our spiritual wellbeing. In order for our souls to stay healthy, it needs nourishment as well. Hear about the necessity for Torah learning, davening, and helping others, and how a woman can incorporate all of these three into their lives.