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Title Match: beha'aloscha
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CA 036 A
Hashem responded to Moshe's feeling of inadequacy in face of the needs of his people by giving some of the burden to the 70 elders. Who were these men who had taken many blows in place of their brethren in Egypt, and why were they chosen to replace the previous elders of the nation? Rabbi Carmell gives a beautiful understanding of being able to give up of oneself for the sake of others.
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GA 036

Rabbi Avi Geller presents the five central books of Judaism with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each talk covers the entire weekly Torah portion, plus major commentaries reviewing basic tenets and concepts of Judaism.

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KY 036 A

The Jews that lived to be freed from Egypt and subsequently wander in the desert were known to be the greatest generation that ever lived. So how can we understand their strange request for meat, and their desire to eat it even when it promised death? A great man's desire to achieve ethereal spiritual levels through his own hard work, without any help from G-d seems to make sense, though we may be far from it. How can understanding that it is the wrong path to take hold the key to understanding where they went wrong?

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LA 036 A
Rabbi Lopiansky's discussions of the weekly parsha go far past the seemingly simple surface they present, showing a depth of esoteric wisdom that is difficult to find. Listen in for a journey that will give an appreciation for the Torah's vastness.
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LA 036 B
Rabbi Lopiansky's discussions of the weekly parsha go far past the seemingly simple surface they present, showing a depth of esoteric wisdom that is difficult to find. Listen in for a journey that will give an appreciation for the Torah's vastness.
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WG 036
How could Moshe have questioned Hashem’s capabilities strongly? He was the person who knew Hashem best of all humanity. Rabbi Wtagnesberg takes us deep into Moshe’s love for his nation that would lead him to speak out for their sake. Learn how Hashem’s response to him takes this into account on all the levels that were necessary.
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WG 036 E
The concept of the Torah being interrelated is one many are familiar with. Rabbi Wagnesberg takes the idea fathoms deeper, proving that by tapping intensely into one mitzvah, we can achieve the entirety of Torah. Sound fantastic? Listen in.
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WG 036 F
Aharon felt terrible upon being left out of the offerings all the Nesi’im gave. Rabbi Wagensberg discusses the two times we encounter in our lives – feeling spiritually uplifted, and feeling far, low, and disconnected. Listen in to gain strength and encouragement from the lesson of the hidden light we tap into when we struggle through our lows, the same light Aharon brought forth from the menorah he lit daily.
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WG 036 H

It's vacation time. Many of us are already involved with the preparations such as packing, tickets, and passports. We think that we embark on these trips in order to obtain for ourselves some R&R (rest and relaxation). However, according to the Kabbalah, we are being sent on a Divine mission that only we can do in the places that we are going to find ourselves in. Tune in this week because after Rabbi Wagensberg is finished with us, we will come to realize how much more meaningful and purposeful our cruises and excursions really are.

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WG 036 I
Where does it say in the Torah that I can't complain if I want to? Where does it say that I can't have a piece of meat? Where does it say that I can't have a piece of fish? These questions might sound strange, yet in this week's portion, Rabbi Wagensberg shares two short but unique and fascinating stories, tucked away in this portion, which drives a very powerful point home. It will have us thinking about what our true values are and about what life is meant to be.
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