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KI 016
Rabbi Ari Kahn probes issues and events within the weekly Torah portion. His unique insight adds an additional flavor to our familiar Bible stories. Drawing from midrashic and mystical sources, valuable lessons are brought to the surface from cryptic texts. His interesting perspective and inquisitive nature will open yet another door to your weekly parsha experience.
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KY 016 A

The Jews leaving Egypt were far from high levels of spirituality. In truth, they were mired in idol worship so deeply it seemed impossible for them to extricate themselves from it. How did the breaking point at Pi Hachirot push them to overcome their education and inner tendencies in a way that caused G-d to give them the ability to conquer their doubts forever?

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MI 016
The splitting of the sea and our rescue from the Egyptian army was one of the most dramatic moments we experienced as a people. Rabbi Milstein wonders why G-d didn't lead the Jews out of Egypt along the main highway, as well as why it was necessary for the Jews to be lead by both a pillar of clouds, and fire. How could Moses lie and tell Pharoah the Jews were only leaving for three days? And why didn't the sea want to split? Hear the full story behind the story, and the life lessons we learn from it.
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WG 016 C

In Judaism, there is no such thing as reaching a point of no return - even if it seems that God Himself is saying one has crossed the red line. Perhaps this is also a test? Rabbi Wagensberg proves how the road is always open for return, no matter what.

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WG 016 E

Does there exist a concept that G-d can test us beyond the limits of our endurance? Rabbi Wagensberg examines the rules that come into play when we feel it is past our ability to respond to the challenges in our lives in a positive way, and shows how God will enter the picture when we've given it our best shot.

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WG 016 F
One of Rabbi Wagensberg's mottos should serve as a rule for life - 'if it's not sweet, it's not Torah'. Hear the importance of shaping ourselves in such a way where all we do and all we say, whether towards others or in our relationship with God will always be done in a sweet, nonabrasive way.
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WG 016 G
Hidden deep within the spiritual song the Jews sang at the Yam Suf is the power of reviving the dead. Don’t see it? Follow Rabbi Wagensberg’s esoteric path as he discovers the brilliant spiritual light hidden after Creation and what occurred when Hashem revealed it once more.
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WG 016 H
There seems to be two different paths our experience in this world can follow - one that is so painful, and one of blessing and love. Is there a way to fuse the two? Rabbi Wagensberg brings us to the point when dark and light merge and discusses the esoteric underpinnings of that twilight zone.
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WN 016 C

At Kiryas Yam Suf G-d bestowed enormous prophetic vision to His beloved Jewish nation. Soon after Moshe leads them into the hot and dry dessert for three days - without water! They ask Moshe “What should we drink?” Under the circumstances is this how they should have addressed Moshe? Rav Noach explains the nature of and correction for this corrosive attitude.

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WY 016 A
Our faith in God jumped from level to level with each punishing plague, bringing the Land of Egypt to its knees. After such an elevating experience, what extra level could Krias Yam Suf possibly add? Rav Yaakov takes us to a place we deeply yearn for - to feel God’s ever-present love and affection.
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