Pharoah's dream of the skinny cows swallowing the fat cows reads far deeper than it's storybook narrative. Rabbi Carmell peels away a few layers to reveal truths about how good can never die. Hear how the holy spark within each Jew can never be extinguished, and how it connects to the one flask of pure oil that was found on Chanukah.
Joseph turns out to be a jack of many trades, and successful in all. He is charismatic, handsome and brilliant - all the ingredients for a great leader. Yet he's lacking one important element that only the angel Gabriel can provide. Don’t miss this exciting valuable talk.
Hatred and jealousy can block the clearest of minds, and obscure truth. Was this perhaps why the brothers could not recognize Joseph on their own, no matter how many hints he dropped? And was Joseph being cruel or vengeful in his dealings with the brothers who sold him into slavery? Hear the tragedy behind Joseph's tears and the mortification that comes along with our realization of our own hypocrisy.
The whole parsha of Mikeitz is packed with questions of time and place. How could Yosef’s super practical interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream turn him into the wisest man on earth? How do we understand the Darkness of Greece? And listen up for a very strong message from Rabbi Wagensberg, and how it is to play itself out.
We are usually careful to take small firm steps in spiritual growth. Is this because biting off more than we can chew may backfire? Rabbi Wagensberg explains the different 'oasis' in the Jewish year that help us jump into the 8th dimension - which transcends place and time. Channuka, and especially its 8th day is one of them. Click for a whirlwind session on how to grab this opportunity.
Did you ever have a dream that felt so real and then suddenly wake up and realize that the whole experience was just a figment of your imagination? Sometimes this is how life itself is, sometimes we make certain choices and get involved in various activities to then later realize that we must have been sleeping when we got involved in those scenarios. We begin to ask ourselves, 'What was I thinking? Was I sleeping?' And the answer often is: Yes. And then sometimes we regret having ever gotten involved to begin with. In this talk, Rabbi Wagensberg once again, reveals to us, another dimension and a different angle, on how to view what happens in our lives. In this class, we will discover how the Chanukah candles with all that they represent, can shed light into the darkest chapters of our lives and wake us up from our slumber.
The story of Yosef and his brothers is not only bewildering, but also very complex. Rabbi Weinberg traceså Joseph's persistence to bring both of his dreams to fruition. Aå clear careful reading of the text ties all the loose threads together. Included is a fascinating discussion on the practical whens and hows of hishtadlus.å