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KI 022/23 A

Did you ever complete a major undertaking, and exalt in your accomplishment? When Moses completed the construction of the Tabernacle, he was given the ultimate accolade in front of everyone - the "glory of God" descend onto the Tabernacle. Interestingly enough, the same phenomenon occurred after the construction of the first Temple, but in the Second Temple it failed to happen. Why not?

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KY 023 A

Oftentimes when we fall spiritually the result is a shattering of our sense of identity as a good person. Perhaps we have only been acting out a charade of piety, and our failure is the truest indication of who we are. Or was it only just a temporary drop in level? Rabbi Kirzner answers that question by examining the inner rage and confusion that engulfed the Jews after they sinned with the Golden Calf, and points the way to a repentance we can achieve.

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RS 022/23 B

Every law Moshe gave over was to the entire nation. So why do we specifically mention the fact that over here all of B'nei Yisrael were gathered? Hear a beautiful answer about appreciating all the stripes of people within the Jewish nation. Find out how the women who were strong enough to avoid sin contrasted with the men who did in donating to the Mishkan.

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WG 022/23


We were granted crowns as we stood before Har Sinai that were later taken away when we fell with the sin of the Golden Calf. Who was able to gain ownership of our royal headgear, and why what made them the one’s chosen?  Join Rabbi Wagensberg as he explores the greatness of Shabbos and the internal change it can effect on us to the extent that we can regain those spiritual crowns we once merited receiving.


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WG 022/23 B

We hav differing cycles in time – sometimes we connect to Hashem through fear, and others through love. These actually represent the two starting points of the Jewish year, Tishrei and Nissan. Follow Rabbi Wagensberg as he explores our redemption from Egypt due to the great love that flowed from Hashem, and how we can reciprocate that emotion back toward the Divine.

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WG 022/23 D

For most of us, it is very challenging, if not impossible, to make positive change in the most difficult aspects of our lives and yet there are certain times throughout the Jewish year which are propitious for starting over again and accomplishing these goals. In this fascinating talk, Rabbi Wagensberg shares with us how the month of Nissan is the absolute greatest time for rejuvenation. In this lecture, we will find out the striking difference between the nations of the world and the Jewish people and what God's expectations are of each, which like a beautiful tapestry, will prepare us for the upcoming mitzvah - birchas ha-chama, this year on the eve of Passover. A real must, which will also shed light on what Kiddush levana is during the rest of the year.

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WG 023
There seems to be a veil of mystery that surrounds the third Beis Hamikdash that we pray for daily. Rabbi Wagensberg uncovers clues that hint to the essence of this spiritual structure, from analyzing the wells of Yitzchak to looking at the building of the Mishkan. Learn what the two Batei Mikdash represented and how the third is a beautiful fusion of the two.
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WG 023 B
The Mishkan symbolized the Glory of God. But how do we understand the deeper message of putting the Mishkan up and taking it apart over and over again? Rabbi Wagensberg describes the wondrous pattern of the nations previous failures and victories to show us the capacity needed for getting up strong after a fall.
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WG 023 D

Our thoughts have more of an effect on our lives and on the environment than we’ve ever known before. In this self-development genre of the new age movement, we all know that we can use our thoughts to create our reality. Judaism has known about this for thousands of years, through the study of the Kabbalah. Rabbi Wagensberg teaches us how we can literally build ourselves through our thoughts. Not only can we build ourselves, our families and our homes, but we can also build our planet and even heavenly spheres.

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