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Title Match: shemos
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KI 013 B

Moshe is  probably the most fascinating characters in the Bible. Join Rabbi Kahn to  examine this quintessential leader's parents and the purity of purpose their  second marriage entailed. Learn about Moshe's birth, his years being raised in  a cushy palace environment, and the incredible strength of character he  displays by retaining the ability to leave power behind for his love of his brothers.

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KY 013 A

What was the point of the Jewish nations being brutally enslaved in the moral wasteland of Egypt? Within evil are the roots of powerful spiritual growth, if we are only aware of what we're facing. Using the forces of impurity that prey upon us to build greater personal refinement and growth is what ultimately leads to redemption. Rabbi Kirzner's lucid definition of both exile and exodus ring true for the entire book of Exodus, as well as our personal lives.

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ON 953 C
In the book of Exodus, God nearly abandons the Jews because they are such a stubborn people. Yet later on, we see that they win God's favor for this very same quality. With the support of fascinating textual sources, Rabbi Orlowek explains how certain personality traits will naturally lead to one's downfall - but when channeled carefully can insure resounding success!
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WG 013 E

Wave after wave of calamity befell Pharoah - but he knew what he wanted, and stubbornly refused to wave the white flag. When someone sets their heart on something, they can do the impossible. Could it be this wicked monarch had a powerful lesson about willpower to teach us?

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WG 013 G
One difficult area in life is how we approach food. Since our survival depends on it, everyone is forced to deal with it. Rabbi Wagensberg shares the secret on how raising our overall level of sanctity depends solely on our eating in holy ways. Pharaoh used this secret in his strategy to destroy the Jews.
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WG 013 H
Do you want to be married to the right person? In this lecture, Rabbi Wagensberg reveals concealed information that you might want to keep in mind before making any life altering decisions. Click here and you'll see what we mean.
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WG 013 I

Why don't we hear that once the Egyptian exile began the Jews erupting in joyous prayer? Rabbi Wagensberg discusses the sense of abandonment and theological confusion they were surrounded with, which seems so familiar to us. Hear the awesom power of Tehillim and its capacity to help us touch our internal feelings and our external problems. Also learn a few core lessons on prayer that 

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WN 015 B
This week's Torah portion describes the last of the 10 plagues: Death to all firstborns in Egypt. Rav Noah describes the harshness of the decree, and the price every Jewish firstborn had to pay to be excluded from it. Hear the vital lesson this plague teaches us, and the choice we all have to escape it.
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WN 017 A
What did Yisro 'hear' that attracted him to the Jewish camp in the desert? Rav Noah explains the following: 'You are either with the Jews, or against them.' As we gain clarity on the harsh negativity most people have towards Jews, a new power is created to help you make positive changes in your life.
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WN 520 D
Understanding what blocked Pharoah from getting God's message of “Let My people go,” may offer us a valuable clue to understand what’s preventing us also from hearing His messages each and every day.




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