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CA 014
Contrary to the classic understanding, Rabbi Carmell posts that G-d didn't actually revoke Pharoah's right to free will by hardening his heart. That despot succeeded in turning himself to stone by exercising his power of choice to grow more stubbornly evil. This valuable class gives a clear understanding of bechirah and how all people can move their point of free will progressively closer to or further from G-d.
GA 014 A
Rabbi Avi Geller gives the blow by blow rundown of events in this action packed portion of the five books of Moses. With lively enthusiasm and humor you'll hear how Moses told Pharaoh 'Let my People go', and the order and strategy of the first eight plagues that brought this powerful Egyptian king to his knees.
KI 014 B
Snakes are slithering and sly creatures that instill fear in most people. When God frightens Moses with one, even he recoils in terror. How is this event a re-enactment of the Garden of Eden and what important idea does it come to add? Also hear the metaphysical meanings for the various names of God.
KY 014 B
This weeks Torah portion of the Exodus suggests many 4's: 4 sons, 4 cups, etc. In this class Rabbi Kizner looks at the 4 exiles of the Jewish Nation - which originated from the words of Pharoah's decree. He sheds light on all the exiles we've been through, and defines and makes sense of the one we are currently entangled within.
WG 014
Water seems to be everywhere in Mitzrayim – from hiding within Moshe’s name, to the miraculously bloody Nile, to its powerful capacity to reveal the deceptions black magic attempts to pull. Follow Rabbi Wagensberg into ancient Egypt as he examines the core character of Pharoah and the Torah’s capacity for flexibility that gives us many more options than we may be aware of.
WG 014 D
Rabbi Wagnesberg finds the connection between the 10 plagues and Tu B'Shvat as he discovers the value of elevating ourselves by not imitating the cultures around us. Hold on to your hats for the ride.
WG 014 E
Rabbi Wagensberg's breakdown of the world to four basic elements, and his matching of these to the great personalities that shaped our nation to form a picture of our nation and its leader is fast paced, deep, and exciting - as always.
WG 014 F
The ten plagues had the ability to uncover the fear of G-d that lay dormant in the hearts of the Egyptians, and the rest of the world. Why was this goal left unrecognized, and how was the ball handed to the Jewish nation to run with?
WG 014 G
At this time of year which is called Shovevim, it is especially propitious to work on leading even holier lives, sanctifying every aspect of our engagement with the materialistic world. This week Rabbi Wagensberg discusses how the 10 shperot are basically different ways which teach us the importance of living a life of purity. PS - there are lots of great Passover Seder material in this talk.
WG 014 H
Would you like to find out what all of our Torah study and mitzvah performance is all about when you boil it down? If your answer is "Yes! Finally!" then you'll want to listen to this talk in which Rabbi Wagensberg will tell it like it is. Let's find out if all along we've been pledging allegiance to the dark side or to G-d, the choice is yours.