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KY 014 A
Moshe's request to Pharaoh to free his people backfired. So why did God consider his pain filled complaint against Him improper? Rabbi Kirzner examines exile, redemption and the nature of miracles - which all lead to interesting conclusions on breaking the bonds that tie us in knots.
MI 014
Rabbi Milstein picks up the story with Moses being sent to demand the Children of Israel's release from bondage. In response, Pharaoh doubles their torturous workload. In pain over the terrible blow to his beloved people, Moses questions God's justice. From where did Moses' question stem, and how does God's rebuke help us understand the age-old question 'why do bad things happen to good people?'
WG 014 I
At the end of the day, why do we keep repeating the same mistakes over and over and over again? Isn't there a formula to help us correct the path that we want to go on? Of course there is! Just click here and listen to how Rabbi Wagensberg shares with us a masterful perspective, which will literally change your life.