During G-d's visit to Abraham, he excuses himself to help three wayfarers. Was this the right thing to do? In contrast, Lot offers his daughters to his aggressive neighbors to save his guests. Was that proper? The Torah is full of moral quandaries - and so is life. What system prevails to help us determine which direction to take?
Why was it necessary for G-d to tell Abraham about his intent to destroy the lawless city of Sodom? And how was the angel sent to Abraham on a positive mission the perfect fit to turn that city over? Rabbi Kirzner gives a fascinating take on destruction, it's inherent core of good and blessing, and why that inner core of beneficence turns wreaks havoc when it hits the earth.
Avraham took great pride in Yitzchak's spiritual accomplishments, and Yitzchak mirrored that sense of awe as he beheld what his father created with his life's work. Rabbi Lopiansky takes us far beneath the surface of these two giants, describing what love and awe truly are in a relationship, and how both of them must work hand in hand to achieve the balance necessary.
God brought an unbearable heat wave to ensure that no guests would cause Avraham extra strain as he recuperated from his circumcision. When God saw how he desperately wanted guests, angels disguised as men were sent to his desert oasis. Why did God, who foresees everything, bother making it so hot in the first place? And further, why did God command Avraham to sacrifice his son when He knew he would obey Him without hesitation?
In a puzzling event from this weeks Torah portion Sarah laughs when G-d tells her she will have a baby at the age of 90, and soon after this she appears to lie when Avraham confronts her disbelief. How can we attribute such behavior to this most saintly first lady? Hear how Rabbi Wagensberg recasts the apparent faults of our greatest pioneers into proper perspective.
Often, we have our own ideas as to what the right thing is to do and generally formulate very strong opinions. But once the will of G-d becomes crystallized, we must have the ability to surrender our own positions and bow to the Divine Ratzon. In this talk, Rabbi Wagensberg has us thinking about our own lives where we held our positions for the principle of the matter, and makes us wonder whether this was the correct approach.
We all have our tests in life. Sometimes they seem to overwhelm us. Sometimes we actually feel that thunder clouds are gathering above us that are creating a very tense darkness. In this talk, Rabbi Wagensberg will give us the stamina to walk in the footsteps of Abraham our ancestor, who was equally tested of greatness and surmounted them!
Do you have any idea just how powerful your actions are? In this eye-opening lecture Rabbi Wagensberg will show how everything we do, say and think makes such an impact on our lives, on the lives of our family, affecting the entire generation, until the end of time.
There is an enormous amount of symbolism built into the sacrifice of Yitzchak on Mount Moriah. Follow Rabbi Wagensberg's esoteric thread of Israel's future from the eyes of the patriarchs, and the spiritual and physical struggles that lie ahead. He describes two hidden options within the storyline that may help to unravel the mess of exile and physicality that we are so caught up with today.
How do we react when we witness an accident, or see people we know distantly in need? All to often we fall into the rubbernecking syndrome – we stop, stare, and then go merrily on our way. We need to push ourselves to help, and of course, to pray. After all, everyone is a human being, just like us. Avraham teaches an age-old lesson about caring for others in his example of praying for Sodom that we would do well to learn from.