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CA 007 A
Lavan - a saint or a villain? In most instances he seems to be the money hungry swindler, but some of his actions make us wonder if we are not being shown his positive side. In what ways can we get a peek at his true motivations? Rabbi Carmell explains the rule of judging everything according to the majority, which applies to Lavan, as well as his righteous daughter Rachel.
KI 007 A
Jacob views himself as the head of his family. His sons see themselves as a nation. Their self-perception may explain how all the conflicts between the brothers arose. Jacob’s ladder and the secret of the blue fringes teach us aspects of the purpose of life. Rabbi Kahn brilliantly interweaves the workings of logic vs. destiny into this powerful class.
KY 007 A
Jacob was known as the man of truth. That quality can overcome an inclination that attempts to distort the facts of right and wrong, but how strongly does it emerge when faced with the urge to do something blatantly wrong? The truth of who we really are in relation to G-d, and the title He gives us holds the solution to our struggles with right and wrong.
MI 007
Jacob is robbed of all his worldly possessions by his nephew Elifaz on his flight to his uncle's home. Surprisingly, the deed was done in the name of "Honor thy father and thy mother". How can we comprehend the paradox of evil done in the name of good? Rabbi Milstein tackles this question, and Laban's twisted dealings with Jacob's wages, and how it all ties in to having unflinching faith in God.
MI 007 B
Why would the Torah which is so careful with each word it expends bother describing Jacob's conversation with a group of shepherds and his removing a big rock that was covering their well? Hear an eye-opening lesson on the tremendous success a human being can attain when he puts a full heart into something.
WG 007 B
It is known that we are effected by society around us. Which makes it imperative to choose a spiritually inclined community to live in. However, today when the Jewish communities spiritual fabric is deteriorating rapidly as a result of impure forces bombarding us from all directions and infiltrating even into some of our holiest institutions what is our safeguard. This week Rabbi Wagensberg shares with us perhaps the only alternative in maintaining our purity and sanctity when we can no longer completely rely on the spiritual cocoons and Torah bubbles that have been established. Listen and find out what a difference and impact every individual one of us can make.
WG 007 E
Ever wonder why Torah study is considered the basis for all of Judaism? Climb the ladder Yaakov saw in his dream to uncover esoteric hints of all the three Avos and their life's mission. Find out how Yaakov's hold on Torah not only protected him from all harm, but became the foundation of all else afterward.
WG 007 F
Most of us, if not all of us, deeply desire to be married to that special significant other. However, before we tie the knot, it is imperative to understand the nature of the souls who marry, and the ramifications that it has in this world and beyond. In this eye-opening lecture, Rabbi Wagensberg reveals a dimension of the marriage dynamic which is not found in many circles. This talk is a must for anybody contemplating or about to enter marriage. It is likewise crucial for those who are already married, happily or not, and for those who have experienced divorce.
WG 007 G
Yaakov’s desire to pray to Hashem was forced to be at night due to the sudden sunset that occurred unnaturally early. Follow Rabbi Wagensberg’s colorful trail as he sorts through the messages our patriarch gave us with this third prayer of the day, and gain strength from the belief that no matter how dark things get, sunshine will always follow.
WN 007 A
Have you ever withheld giving thanks to someone because you didn't want to feel beholden to them? Often, people will cover their discomfort by giving thanks to God instead. The backwards logic of this tendency reveals an interesting insight into our attitude about relationships.