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Title Match: Kirzner, Rabbi Yitzchak ztl
Kirzner, Rabbi Yitzchak ztl on  aishAudio
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KY 256 AB
G-d is the ultimate perfection. When we experience our own inabilities and shortcomings, it comes along with difficult and frustration as we sense the lack of wholeness within ourselves. What is the appropriate attitude toward the deficiencies we each have? Join Rabbi Kirzner as he explores the potentials we are meant to bring to fruition through those very faults that God gave us.
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KY 256 AD

We seem to be in a permanent state of lacking. Is there a way to reach a purely spiritual G-d even within our physical world? While it is hard to express spirituality to those who feel removed from it, sometimes simply watching someone else who is more in touch with the spiritual can bring us to a level of understanding and desire we would not have had. How can we narrow down the paths that will take us to our goal?

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KY 256 AF
What does it mean that G-d is one? Can we wrap our minds around the concept of his limitlessness and ultimate power? But if we only focus on aspects of G-d we can understand, we shrink G-d down to human terms. Join Rabbi Kirzner to explore the idea of G-d’s being one, and the sense of trust we must cultivate in order to make that concept real to us.
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KY 256 AG
Rabbi Kirzner continues his journey to comprehend the concept of G-d’s oneness. Learn the depth of the powerful statement of the Shema that has stood for Jews throughout the ages, and the goal of the world to reveal this aspect of G-d. If everything G-d does has a common denominator, what would that be? Listen in for a fascinating understanding that will broaden your concept of the Divine.
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KY 256 AH

Pure forces and impure forces. Those concepts belong in SciFi movies with strange beings battling for power over the world. Do they have a place in Judaism? Follow Rabbi Kirzner on a journey into the darker side of the universe, exploring the different forces that form a careful balance of free choice. The ramifications of this discussion on where G-d’s protection truly comes from 

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KY 256 AI
Who is G-d and where does He live? Rabbi Kirzner’s inimitably clear manner of presenting topics that are at once esoteric and still germane to our lives makes this a must listen. He explains some common misconceptions people have about G-d, and the Jewish understanding that G-d is involved and directing events from behind the scenes.
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KY 256 AJ
Who is God and where does He live? Rabbi Kirzner’s inimitably clear presentations are at once esoteric, yet so germane and relevant to our lives. In this class he explains common misconceptions that people have about God, and the Jewish understanding of God's involvement being directed from behind the scenes.
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KY 256 AK
Does it seem apparent to humanity that all of the various ebbs and flows of world history are directed toward a common goal orchestrated by a Divine conductor? Follow this wide-ranging class by Rabbi Kirzner as he explores the ultimate direction of the universe and the exiles and struggles the Jewish nation has experienced, defining the destination the world is meant to reach.
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KY 256 AL
Is the goal of Judaism and of life to conquer the various moral challenges we are faced with to develop ourselves, or does it go even deeper than that? The Ramchal develops the concept of relationship with G-d, and the need to comprehend G-d’s aspect of oneness, and how free choice fits into that ultimate objective. Hear a fascinating class about the development of character and soul, and how mitzvos help us along this path.
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KY 256 AM
G-d is by nature incomprehensible to man in the complete sense of the word. But is there a way to grasp any sense of Him? Rabbi Kirzner guides us to realize that we must have a way of defining G-d. Hear excellent proof that G-d very much wants us and expects us to come to know Him by examining the way the world was created and the method with which it works.
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