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Title Match: Kirzner, Rabbi Yitzchak ztl
Kirzner, Rabbi Yitzchak ztl on  aishAudio
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KY 256 BX

We can easily point to evil’s footprints, and trace the anguish and destruction it has wreaked since the beginning of time. But what is it in actuality? The Nefesh HaChaim discusses evil’s core makeup and the ingredients that must be there in order to sustain it.

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KY 256 BY

Why is evil a necessary creation that the universe must endure? R’ Kirzner’s response brings us back to basics, exploring the gift G-d gave us to be able to relate to Him and the happiness that must come from that connection.

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KY 256 BZ

The entire world can be seen as garments of Hashem, which cloaks Him with invisibility from His creations. However, if we view the events in our physical lives correctly, they can reveal the very One that they are concealing. The opposite holds true as well. When we chase our physical goals, we can often see them to vaporize by failing to give us the fulfillments we expect.

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KY 256 CA

Sometimes it feels like the cards are stacked against us. Is it fair that we have to struggle so hard with the physicality and evil in the world? The Ramchal takes us back to the creation of the world, explaining how Hashem  was sure to make a balance we can be successful with. Rabbi Kirzner points out that the very nature of negativity is destructive. Hear the boundaries that restrict evil from destroying the human beings who mistakenly choose it

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KY 256 CC

Are we too hard on ourselves? Upon learning about evil and its destructive nature, we often think that once we do something that is a manifestation of our deficiency, we’ve created evil. Rabbi Kirzner’s class is a clear encouragement as he develops the Ramchal’s idea that it is only by progressive actions that build on each other to reach both evil and good. Any victory, even if sandwiched between many failures, broke the chain of negative behavior.

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KY 256 CD

If all we do is part of a chain of action, where does free will come in? Are we almost forced to follow in the path we’ve swept ourselves in to? Rabbi Kirzner discusses predetermined behavior, and how we always have the capacity to start anew with our free will. An excellent class on the Torah’s applicability for those struggling to leave the past behind.

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KY 256 CE

It’s important for us to understand that as sophisticated as our definitions and understanding of the world is, it is not in relation to G-d’s ability. The Ramchal looks again at how the flow of Divine giving makes a difference in the essence of His creations. A further look at fighting negativity, and how we are drawn to that regardless of the choices we make.

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KY 256 CG

The world is like a system of interlocking wheels. Each part is necessary for the correct movement of the universe. Man is central to this picture. Evil’s existence is important as well as an option for humanity to grow by being challenged by the enticing choice of negativity. It is therefore also predicated on G-d’s will. The Ramchal shows how the magnification of evil and its eventual destruction will lead us to an incredible level of understanding and acceptance of G-d’s onenes.

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KY 256 CH

When we try to understand that evil can be a good thing, we need to analyze the purpose of its existence. The Ramchal discusses the power contrast has to show which way of life is truly right as one of the four functions of evil. Rabbi Kirzner then focuses on the fifth – the challenge of seeing evil’s growth and asking: Where is G-d? Is there a purpose to that struggle of faith?

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KY 256 CK

Every person has an ability to affect the world. Depending on each individual’s spiritual level and when each act is done, this effect can be incredibly far reaching. The mission given to each person also changes as people work on themselves to grow or fall into negativity. A fascinating idea that is brought out by looking at Adam, the first man to have been created.

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