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Title Match: Kirzner, Rabbi Yitzchak ztl
Kirzner, Rabbi Yitzchak ztl on  aishAudio
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KY 079 BB
This psalm is said from Rosh Hashanah through Succot. How can we learn to ask G-d to give us what we need to achieve greater closeness to Him? Rabbi Kirzner teaches about the need for defined spiritual goals, and the need to believe we can achieve in order to become spiritually accomplished. How does this connect to the holidays in the beginning of the new year, and help us experience the light and salvation that can accompany them?
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KY 079 D
Two major themes run through this Psalm. One is how the Jewish view of war differs from other nations, and two, what is our legitimacy for war considering our goal to actively establish peace? Rabbi Kirzner also analyzes prayer, and how one's cumulative spiritual accomplishments can stand one in good stead during times of crisis.
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KY 079 E
Many are familiar with the beginning of this psalm - "G-d is my shepherd, I shall not want"... But even more than just a comforting thought, this forms the basis of our attitude of G-d's involvement in our lives, and being the provider of all our needs, on all levels. How do we understand individually directed Divine Providence, and how does this connect to the times we are instructed to recite this psalm?
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KY 079 F
We sing this song once a week on Sunday, which represents the first day of creation. We also recite it when returning the Torah scroll to the ark. What life lesson is hidden between these two unique events? Rabbi Kirzner shares the way to bring God down into our lives – instead of kicking Him up in status, thereby relegating Him to the heavens. 
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KY 079 G
David's great spiritual fall seemed to destroy all hopes of achieving the elevated levels of greatness he aspired to. Yet the very man all laughed at fought back to the point of being able to build the Holy Temple on all levels besides the physical, and merited to have his son Solomon, born from the marriage many thought was steeped in sin be crowned king after him, and build the Beit HaMikdash. How is it possible to stumble that badly, and still rise that high?
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KY 079 H
When faced with difficult and painful circumstances, what can help us accept and learn from them? Hear how King David worked through his own times of physical, psychological, and emotional anguish that began with feelings of frustration and despair, and led to his asking for more life to reach his potential.
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KY 079 I
There's a big problem with exile - when we expect to see G-d, He's not there. As Jews, we yearn for the revelation of God and the ultimate redemption when the entire world will acknowledge the One Creator. But we need to understand that there is also something to benefit from the yearning in times of His concealment. How do we grow from God masks His presence?
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KY 079 J

David's failure in his test with Bathsheva is often scorned - and often deeply misunderstood. Less spoken about is his intense soul searching and repentance that cause him to become the paradigm of the repentance of an individual. Rabbi Kirnzer points out many of the components of teshuvah found in this psalm, and explores how one can cleanse himself and regain his spiritual  

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KY 079 K
David’s failure in his test with Bathsheva is often scorned – and often deeply misunderstood. Less spoken about is his intense soul searching and repentance that cause him to become the paradigm of the repentance of an individual. Rabbi Kirnzer points out many of the components of teshuvah found in this psalm, and explores how one can cleanse himself and regain his spiritual  
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KY 079 L
When a crisis becomes all encompassing, we usually forget everything else. This also applies to keeping ones head above the waves in the face of spiritual turmoil. Rabbi Kirzner looks at hardship and the need to have a holistic approach in dealing with the world. Hear tools for coping with life's curve balls.
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