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Title Match: Kirzner, Rabbi Yitzchak ztl
Kirzner, Rabbi Yitzchak ztl on  aishAudio
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KY 079 X
Looking back at difficult moments in life lends a greater insight into them that can only come in retrospect. David reflects on his crisis with Shaul, being hunted and hounded with a death sentence on his head, and the world mocking his eventual kingship. His steadfast belief was vindicated - and his praise to God for his salvation rings true to anyone who has suffered and survived.
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KY 079 Y
The destruction of our Holy Temple so long ago seems exactly that - long ago. Of course it will be lovely once it is rebuilt, but why can't we put the past behind us until then, and live fully without looking back? This psalm's poignant answer of an unwillingness to sing the song of Zion on foreign soil lead to our comprehension of the deeply rooted desire for true spirituality and a refusal at all costs to be subsumed into world culture.
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KY 079 Z
What do the 15 Psalms that begin with the words "Shir Hama'alos" - A Song of Ascents really mean? David's attempt at digging the foundation of the Holy Temple led to the unleashing of deep waters and a near flood of the world. What was David trying to accomplish as he brought those waters closer to the surface of the world, and where does our need to achieve spiritual greatness fit into the greater picture?
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KY 084 A
On top of a massive famine that hit the Land of Israel, the Jewish nation suffered a crushing betrayal from its leader. Why did Elimelech, who had the wherewith all to organize effective relief efforts, turn his back and flee to a foreign land? Rabbi Kirzner details the marriages of Elimelech's two sons to gentile women, the grief that resulted, and the burning passion that Ruth had for truth.
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KY 142 B
Rabbi Kirzner takes a look at all the benefits to open your home to the wise to gather and teach. He explains how to develop a rewarding relationship with the wise, even if they are unable to frequent your home. There is also an interesting discussion on 'appropriate speech' between men and women.
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KY 142 C
We can easily convince ourselves that even if a friend may have less than perfect character traits, we think we can stay aloof from the negative influences, and still benefit from their energy. What is it about these questionable relationships that should set off an alarm within us?
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KY 142 D
What is the attraction for wanting to grow? We know that Aaron, the prototype of one who 'loved and chased peace', was able to heal deep rifts between people. Now hear how he kindled a thirst for learning Torah and wanting to personally grow.
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KY 142 E
Getting together with old friends to shoot the breeze sounds like a pleasant way to spend an afternoon. Can there really be anything wrong with empty talk? Rabbi Kirzner helps us struggle through the meaning that underlies our ability to speak, and the consequent weighty place it occupies in the Jewish worldview. How can we treat it with the dignity it deserves?
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KY 142 F

To keep yourself on the straight and narrow, Rabbi Kirzner examines how to measure our actions against the ethical teachings - while maintaining a healthy suspicion of our underlying motives. He then examines the correct way to value the different mitzvos we do, and the esoteric recording of all of our actions.

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KY 142 I
Claiming that all of life's wisdom can be found in the Torah seems narrow minded and limiting. But the sage Hillel pointed to an understanding that we may be overlooking in our quest to explore the wealth of knowledge the world has to offer. Judaism is self sufficient – all of our needs and all of the answers exist in our own backyard. The challenge is knowing how to track down these universal truths.
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