How do we understand that by saying certain specific verses Hashem will give us a year of blessing? Rebbetzin Karlinsky examines the tefillos that we say and the underlying concepts hidden within. Learn the power of the Akeidah that was implanted within us, and what areas we’re being judged for during the first day, and during the second day of Rosh Hashana.
David Luchins tables the different narratives about Jonathan Pollard. Some feel he’s a Nathan Hale, others a Benedict Arnold, and others say he’s a victim of his own delusions, or from American anti-Semitism. Those in the middle see him as being manipulated by forces larger than himself. From the known facts some narratives become bogus, while others continue to baffle all those following this endless saga.
Dr Luchins admits how totally wrong his predictions were for this years presidential candidates. After he regains composure, he explains the factors the two main political parties were using for selecting their candidates. Hear his current observations on the final contenders, and his prediction for the winner. But he says all bets are off if one of two things should happen close to election day.
Rabbi Wagensberg begins his journey with the 42 places the Jewish nation rested in the desert. He mixed into this the cities of refuge and the Shema Yisroel prayer. From the multiple factors he presents he shows how to understand, and to work into your bones just how transient and temporal this world really is.
Rabbi Tauber posits that for achieving a consistency of positive speech a change in attitude is needed. He approaches this by helping us realign and securing certain aspects of our belief in God and Torah from Sinai. Hear how they work together in order to perceive and relate to the world in positive ways.
A person’s name is much more than just a name. In fact the name Moshe was not given by his father or by God. And rarely were his other nine names used. Rav Noach looks into the concept of how our ‘intentions’ will change the way our lives unfold.
On the eighth day after assembling and disassembling the Ohel Moed the people asked Moshe when will God appear? Moses said today. And sure enough Hashem sends down a fire and ‘licks up’ their heartfelt sacrifices. Then suddenly a tragedy occurs. Nadav and Avihu were smitten by a different fire that God sent. Why? What is the message? What did we leave out ?
Two core beliefs of Judaism which point directly to God are: His being infallible, and how all people have free will. Rabbi Kirzner examines how two such contraditory concepts can coexist. These definitions can add a new dimension to your understanding of God Hear points that also add depth on the soul and afterlife.
With the 2016 Presidential Elections coming up, it is a good time to get a few of the objective facts that surround it. Listen to politician Dr. David Luchins discuss his take on this hot topic.
Rabbi Paysach Krohn gave a hesped for Rav Shlomo Schwadron, ztz"l, The Maggid of Yerushalayim, Hear the amazing stories and lessons this great maggid experienced during the earlier years of returning to the Holy city. Rabbi Krohn's rendition of such great personalities is always awe inspiring.