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Pincus was a grandson of Aharon HaKohen, yet for a technical reason he was ineligible to enter the Kohen’s Covenant of Peace. Pincus teaches us the lesson of becoming fit in your own right to merit your maximum reward in life. Rav Noach tells us what it takes to become who you truly are.

If all the generations before ours were unable to bring Moshiach, is it delusional to think we could be successful in doing it? Rav Yaakov Weinberg gives a fundamental understanding of what Hashem realistically expects us to accomplish, and how we might better direct our lives and efforts to achieve those goals. This class gives a refreshing clarity on as difficult topic.

At one point 97% of the US Congress backed Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Every president since Bill Clinton has signed the waiver to push off the US Embassy's move to Jerusalem. Hear the history and politics behind this mysterious delay, and why even Donald Trump signed this waiver just two weeks after the Jerusalem inauguration, and hear who is really behind the ongoing authorization of this famous waiver?

Evil must be limited in order that it won't destroy the world it is affecting. However, how does it reach the point of self-destruction? Learn about the cycle of negativity, and how the disconnection from good grows bigger and bigger until it is forced into nullification. Hear how repentance fit into the picture.

What is the anticipation of counting from 1 to 49 - the goal of getting closer and closer to Shavuos? Perhaps it was our marriage on becoming civilized at Sinai? Maybe it was the gift of life? Rav Noach shows us the ultimate goal we all strive for.

Women often feel tired. What gives us that feeling of exhaustion? Hear how emotions affect our energy level, and so often triggers a marked fluctuation in our physical health. When we’re willing to confront how we really feel, we can often make noticeable changes in strengthening the state of our bodies.

Yisro was the ‘Priest of Midian.’ One opinion said he was the top idol worshipper, the other said a very strong leader. And why would Moshe willingly allow his first born son be raised without Jewish training? Then there was the ultimate chutzpah of Amalek’s attack from behind. And what advice did Pharaoh get from his three advisors. One was Bilam who said to exterminate the Jews. The second was Yisro who told Pharaoh he doesn’t stand a chance, and the third was Job, who was neutral, but as a result he was forced to lose everything he had. Why such a heavy judgement?

At Kiryas Yam Suf G-d bestowed enormous prophetic vision to His beloved Jewish nation. Soon after Moshe leads them into the hot and dry dessert for three days - without water! They ask Moshe “What should we drink?” Under the circumstances is this how they should have addressed Moshe? Rav Noach explains the nature of and correction for this corrosive attitude.

The well of Miriam stopped giving water the moment she died. Is it necessary to hear frightening outcomes that shake us up? Would you agree that God's world in general runs amazingly smooth with bumps along the way. Rav Noach makes some distinct points about cause and effect, and the lack of sensitivity to how our actions affect others.

Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzatto leads us step by step through man’s beginning state of life, and how the soul gets entangled in the body’s coarseness and darkness. As he grows and matures, he is tested in ways that add to his shine, thereby moving the body beyond greediness, confusion and being controlled - until his soul kicks in to lead him to higher levels of existence.