Here we see Esther as the number one star of Shushan. How did her magnetic charm totally captivate King Achashveirosh - and everyone else for that matter? Notwithstanding her advanced age, her greenish complexion or any other hocus pokus - nothing detracted from her natural inner beauty. Megillas Esther instructs us about this special charm - how it enhances selfimage, and affects everyone else that dwells within your sphere of influence.
We often try to evade Hashem's presence, finding the task of seeing the bigger picture of life, and our place in it, just too uncomfortable to bear. Rebbetzin Heller focuses on Esther by showing how people deflect their greater consciousness of God. Hear how this plays out in every day life and how to readjust it.
Each of the six days of creation symbolized one thousand years of the world's physical existence. Where did the phenomenal powers of Mordechai and Esther originate, and how were they able to use these powers to fight off the negative influences at the times they lived? Hear the Purim story from the very different and deeper vantage point of Rebbetzin Tzipora Gottlieb.
What brought on our national death sentence during the days of Achashverosh? Hear how superficiality alters how we view even our most important values. Rebbetzin Heller reviews the four mitzvos of this merry day, and the changes they are make within us.
The Jewish nation was always aware of the intense spiritual power of giving charity to those in need. A fascinating class on how Haman discovered this secret of tzeddaka, and nearly succeeded in destroying the entire Jewish nation with it. After hearing this class you’ll be more inclined to give of your money and your time for the powerful energy awaiting.
Esther's dilemma echoes back to our own lives. Although the political climate in Persia at the time was quite dismal for the Jews, Hashem would have saved them regardless of her stepping forward or not. Rav Noah encourages us to step up to our own moments of truth, even if the chances for success appear slim.
Being drunk often connotes a lack of self-control and recklessness things Jewish consciousness is not very fond of. How could the early sages have instituted such an ongoing mitzvah to get drunk on Purim? Hear the underlying theme of Mordechai and Esther's plan to save the Jews, and how the window to peer at God's hidden presence can paradoxically be opened with wine.
When Haman vowed to decimate the Jews because Mordechai didn't bow to him, why didn't they blame him for this horrible decree? Rav Noach examines the 'point' when truth finally sinks in, and how such a moment resuscitates a brain deadened by sheker and shallowness.
There is an opinion that the most important message of the megillah read on Purim is that a woman should give respect to her husband. Could this really be more important than remembering the miraculous redemption of the Jews? Rabbi Zweig explains this strange message and how to understand it in context. Hear about the true nature of overcoming our selfish side on Purim and learning how to give with a full heart both on this fun-filled day and the rest of the year.
Get ready to go back in time to the first mention of Haman, the wicked character in the Purim story, in the Garden of Eden. But what do Adam and Eve have to do with Purim? Rabbi Zweig takes a very interesting angle to examine our celebration of Purim in the present, and its roots all the way back to the story of Creation. Hear about the true pleasure of giving and how we can maximize our potential to give on Purim.