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HT 553 D
The threads that tied Mordechai, Esther, and Haman together stem from emunah and disbelief. How do we remove the insidious 'doubt' that Amalek poisoned our veins with? Learn about the overt and quiet roles that Mordechai and Esther played, as they used prayer as a way to strip evil of its allure. Rebbetzin Heller explains how to prepare for Purim, and how to keep the meaning of the day up front while enjoying all the festivities.

HT 554
How did Esther's being an orphan from birth create an awareness of God that molded her into who she became? Hear the significance of her tribal origins, and how her refusal to bow put her center stage.

JO 553 H
On Purim, we acquired the Torah more completely than on Sinai, plus we struck back at Amalek. What do these great events have to do with drinking? Follow Mrs. Juravel's tale of subtle spiritual twists, and the awesome power this day has to save us from a state of inner poverty.

JO 553 J
Amalek's desert attack on weary travelers was an act of cruelty. But why the extreme command to utterly wipe them out? Follow a beautiful class on the all encompassing dangers of Amalek and why Shabbos is the ultimate antidote for the gloom and doom they intended. Knowing why will help you feel more beloved and cared for.

KL 553 A
Through this fascinating analysis of the events of Purim, Rabbi Kelemen weaves the issues of kiruv and assimilation with a startling conclusion.

KL 553 B
The Reform movement was a unique phenomenon in Jewish history. For the first time, assimilation was proposed as an ideology and not as an isolated immediate crisis. Its effect was like a tidal wave: immediate, sweeping, and devastating. Generations of Jews were lost and traditional Jews continue repairing the damage of its wake to this very day.

KY 553 B
We know Purim is a day of happiness, but from where does that emotion stem? Rabbi Kirzner looks at the tough concept of Divine revenge - and how God convinced us to keep our beliefs, despite all signs pointing otherwise. In this context, the Jews embraced Torah with more love than ever before, which fits perfectly with the kindness, purpose, and happiness of the day.

NY 626 AP
Why is Purim considered such a spiritual day? At face value, it seems to be the exact opposite, with physical revelry and noise seeming to be the order of the day. Learn about the deepest identity of a Jew, and how that stems from the mother and what she gives her children. This sense of who we are is what truly shines through on this joyous day.

TE 553 D
We live in a world that persistently convinces us that our survival depends on the power of our hands. This belief is diametrically opposed to Jewish thought, yet all agree how difficult the mask is to remove. Rabbi Tauber describes today's world as a mixture of Pharoah and Amalek, and how mimicking Esther & Mordechai will hasten the Mashiach’s arrival.

TE 555 A
When we look back and count the major enemies of the Jewish nation, we find that Pharaoh and Amalek head the list. Rabbi Tauber points out the underlying differences between them, and what steps we are able to take to counteract their harmful influence.