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HT 084 A
Ruth was a royal princess who married a Jewish pauper that died young. Through a number of subtle but life changing events Ruth rose to the equivalent of the First Lady. Far fetched? Such a scenario makes perfect sense once you appreciate the impact inner modesty can have on your persona. Tziporah Heller tells the captivating story of Ruth, and all the transformational shifts that uplifted her character.

HT 084 B
The Megillah of Ruth is known as one that is focused on the attribute of chesed. Rebbetzin Heller focuses on how the various events that took place at this time, from Elimelech's inability to handle being asked to give more than he was able, to Ruth's incredible kindness to her mother-in-law. Learn some aspects of kindness that we never have thought of, and find ways to connect them to our lives.

HT 529
The soul-changing path of Counting the Omer extends from Pesach until Shavuos, from the despair of slavery to the magnificent light of Sinai, and how the seven s'firos of kaballah take us from personal change to redemption. Rebbetzin Heller brings practicality and depth to these seven primary traits, and wonderful stories to touch the core of your soul.

HT 529 B
As the Torah was being transmitted atop the smoky, tumultuous mountain of Sinai, the rest of the world fell into deep silence. Rebbetzin Heller explains how each entity in the world, including the inanimate, are essentially alive and in touch with Hashem. Hear hilarious stories about keeping God in the picture - even as we struggle with all the 'emergencies' of life.

KI 529 B
The experience at Mount Sinai was unimaginable. So how possible can it be to really relive such a unique revelation? Rabbi Kahn presents a surprising thought on what spirituality truly consists of, and a way for connecting to our Creator which is as inspiring as it is practical.

KJ 527
Indeed, these days of counting the sefirah are especially opportune for working on bein adam lechaveiro, relations between people. Rabbi Krohn explores what the period of ‘counting the Omer’ has to do with the tragedy of Rebbi Akiva's 2,400 students. Hear simple clear ways for relating better, even when your time is short.

KL 529
Don’t kid yourself into using the line 'I'm only human... and this is who I am' as an excuse to avoid working your dream. Mitzvot were designed to draw out the greater being from within. This holiday, work the Torah of ‘ratzon’ a bit deeper for a tighter connection to your dearest dream.

NY 625 U
Rebbetzin Neustadt veers from her path on marriage to discuss another union - our connection with Hashem as Shavuos draws close. Our chuppah with Hashem began at Sinai, but has lasted until today. When will we reach the point where each and every one of us will desire our relationship to be everlasting? The moral choices that face us today make it harder than ever - but more meaningful.

SM 602 B
The value of Ruth's chessed cannot be overestimated. Rabbi Moshe Aaron Stern reviews the moving tale of this sincere convert to Judaism, born to a cruel nation that was forever barred from joining Bnei Yisrael. Hear the lessons she taught us by way of incredible stories of Gedolim, whose capacity to show kindness to others extended beyond everyone’s expectations. Gain fresh inspiration for reaching the people you come in contact with.

ZY 529
Wouldn't you think that the remembrance of the awesome day we received the Torah should be dedicated with fasting, serious study and extra long prayers? And doesn't it seem a bit off the mark that we celebrate it with eating and drinking? Rabbi Zweig looks at the essential difference between laws which are governed by actions and laws designed to enhance character.