Once a year we have the golden opportunity to clear from our slate the mistakes of the previous year. It may take a bit of planning and preparation, but with the warmth and encouragement of Rav Berkovits you'll feel the endeavor rewarding. If you have time for only one class this Yom Kippur, this session is highly reccomended.
Repentance is an ongoing interaction in our relationship with Hashem, and is one of the 18 blessings we ask G-d to help us with during our daily prayers. However, even with the urgency of doing teshuva so near to the Day of Judgement we somehow end up dealing with it in only the sphere of thought, and not with action. Hear how to forge a reality of 'time to change' into your hearts.
The famous question asked is: if all our merits and mistakes of the past year were equal, why not just do one extra mitzvah to tip the scale, alleviating the need for repentance altogether? An excellent class explaining the strength that teshuva has in and of itself to grant forgiveness.
If you've decided you need to change, the very first step is to know in which area, where to start and to what degree. With his uncanny understanding of human nature, Rabbi Orlowek paves the way for getting your direction clear - and to stay on track. Hear the vital first steps you need for regaining your confidence and your ability to change.
Year after year we make resolutions to become a better person, but usually end up with the same character flaws we’ve been carrying all those years. Why can't we get it right, or better, Rabbi Orlowek asks why does Hashem forgive us every year for the same transgressions we apologized for the year before?
After prophet Yeshayahu tells Chizkiyahu HaMelech to prepare for death, soon after he prays to reverse the verdict, which Hashem grants. Yet by Chanah who prayed intensely for a child was only answered after 19 years. The Ten Days of Teshuva offer us a limited window to learn a bit more about tefilla’s power.
Most approach Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur with a sense of fear. Rabbi Tauber helps us appreciate these days - even though we'd never ask for them in the first place. Hear what the unique power of the shofar̢s cry is, and what we're really asking for when we ask for life.
What power does Hoshana Raba have to finalize ones 'din' even more so than Yom Kippur? Rededicate the upcoming zeman of learning by realigning your mind to make every moment count.
While studying at the famed yeshivas of Chaim Berlin, Lakewood and the Mir in Jerusalem, Rabbi Noson Weisz also received a degree in Microbiology from the University of Toronto, an MA in Political Science at the New School for Social Research and his LLB from the University of Toronto. Rabbi Weisz is currently a senior lecturer at Yeshiva Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem and writes a weekly parsha page on aish.com. In this talk, Rabbi Weisz discusses the process of forgiveness.
What brings about the cleansing of the teshuvah process? Rav Yaakov’s careful analysis of the Rambam’s words brings to light the details that makes teshuvah more comprehensible and effective. Learn how Yom Kippur gives kaparah, and hear a fascinating discussion on intent vs. action with a Korban Chatas.