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Title Match: Kirzner, Rabbi Yitzchak ztl
Kirzner, Rabbi Yitzchak ztl on  aishAudio
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KY 256 GG
The body and the soul draw man to conflicting directions. We swing back and forth between desiring physical things and yearning for spiritual greatness. However, this wasn’t how things always were. The Ramchal describes how Adam’s sin brought the world crashing down spiritually. Rabbi Kirzner explains how the place of disunity between body and soul is where death enters the world. How does resurrection fit into this picture?
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KY 256 GH
G-d intended that there should be a unity between the physical and spiritual. We are not meant to struggle in the schism between the two forever. Rabbi Kirzner describes why the body is given life again to be coupled with the soul in harmony.  What does the body go through after death that makes it capable of receiving reward? Hear a crystal clear understanding of this world of preparation and the eventual world we are meant to live in.
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KY 256 GI
When the body and soul come together after death, the body takes on spiritual characteristics after its purification. The soul of a person has a tremendous power and energy, to the extent that simply being exposed to it can change the cause even the body take on transcendent qualities. Why can’t the soul do that during life in this world? The Ramchal discusses the containment of the soul and why G-d does that.
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KY 256 GJ

The Ramchal compares the body-soul relationship to the natural orbits of the moon and the sun. Rabbi Kirzner explains the depth of this beautiful allegory before he moves on to the potentials man has and how we are meant to develop them. Is there any benefit the soul gains from being coupled with a physical partner? Gain clarity on how the soul grows from this process as well.

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KY 256 GK
There are two worlds that exist, and it is really up to us to choose which of them we desire to live in. There is a common feeling that we can remain fully spiritual while taking advantage of all the physical world has to offer us. Is this true? And if it is not, do we need to become hermits in order to be who we truly want to be? Rabbi Kirzner discusses our goals and how our lives will change direction when we are willing to set them honestly.
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KY 256 GL
The body and the soul are two end products of different conducts of G-d. Rabbi Kirzner discusses when G-d gives spiritual energy and when that flow is constrained. The atmosphere of spiritual light is wholesome and beautiful, while the opposite leads to an environment where the very air feels empty. What is the determining factor as to what exists in our lives? The Ramchal exposes the secrets of a meaningful existence.
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KY 256 GM
Being that the body and soul stem from different aspects of G-d, if we study them carefully we can learn more about Him. The Ramchal explores the oneness of the soul’s energy and how is similar to the way G-d works. The conduct of G-d’s hiding Himself can be expressed in many different strategies and interactions. But the incredible simplicity and clarity of His expression of spiritual energy is something that can change reality in an instant. 
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KY 256 GN
As we complete ourselves, we create energy in the world that is more wholesome and spiritual. This concept works in the opposite direction as well. Rabbi Kirzner explains the root of physical illness, and explores why G-d sometimes hides His face from us. He directs our reactions with tremendous emotional sensitivity. How can we become less vulnerable to the regular workings of the inherent weakness of the natural world?
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KY 256 GO
It is completely beyond us to comprehend G-d’s essence. However, He expresses Himself in the world in ways we can relate to and understand. The Ramchal helps us understand this concept and how G-d may limit His own characteristics for various reasons.  How does this relate to our understanding of our souls and the tremendous depth they possess?
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KY 256 GP
The Ramchal moves forward in his study of man and how it aids us in comprehending some aspects of G-d. In order to relate to how G-d combines his conducts of openness and hiding, we need to understand not just body and soul separately, but how they interact when they are put together. A beautiful class on how different people have different levels of spirituality and explaining some of the workings of prophecy in order to understand how the actions people do are supremely important.
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